Preventive Measures for Different Types of Thyroid Cancer

Preventive Measures for Different Types of Thyroid Cancer

Thyroid cancer occurs in the thyroid cells. The thyroid is responsible for creating hormones that regulate one’s BP, heart rate, weight, and body temperature. The common types of thyroid cancer have been listed as follows: Papillary thyroid cancer Follicular thyroid cancer Medullary thyroid cancer Anaplastic thyroid cancer Primary thyroid lymphoma The types of thyroid cancer will help determine its prognosis as well as the treatment path. 1. Can the different types of thyroid cancer be prevented? It may not be possible, in many instances, to prevent thyroid cancer. But, there are certain preventive tips that can minimize different types of thyroid cancer and their associated risks. 2. Having prophylactic (preventive) surgery  Alteration in particular genes can result in a higher chance of different thyroid cancer types. A person can get her or his thyroid eliminated to avoid getting cancer growth in this part. 3. Eating a healthy diet A diet rich in veggies and fruits and low in animal fat; this can minimize the danger of different thyroid cancer types. According to the American Cancer Society, consuming around 5 servings of veggies and fruits each day can help prevent cancer. Omega-3 fatty acids from fish and salmon can shield against several illnesses including thyroid cancer.
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Nasal Polyps: Symptoms and Prevention

Nasal Polyps: Symptoms and Prevention

Nasal polyps are little sacs that form in the nasal passageway and can cause a lot of complications. Some symptoms of nasal polyps include loss of smell and taste, postnasal drip, and upper tooth and facial pain. Things like allergies and nasal polyps go hand in hand and one often affects the other. Some prevention measures for nasal polyps include a saline nasal rinse or spray, a humidifier or even surgery. Let’s review some potential treatment options for nasal polyps: 1. Nasal steroids and allergies Allergy and asthma medications often take the form of some form of nasal steroid or steroid in spray form. The nature of allergies increases the odds of developing nasal polyps much higher. This is because allergies create a dry environment in the nasal cavity. Keeping your allergies in check is a great preventive measure for preventing nasal polyps. 2. Saline drip solutions A saline drip or spray can help add moisture to the nasal cavity. Nasal polyps often develop when things get a little too dry and arid in the nose. A saline solution can also help by flushing out particles from the nose and keeping it fairly clean. A saline solution can be bought over the counter in a store or can be homemade.
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Easy Ways to Ease Medicare Costs

Easy Ways to Ease Medicare Costs

Medicare is the federal health insurance program in the United States for individuals 65-years or older. Medicare may also cover younger patients with specific disabilities or health conditions. Medicare is broken up into different parts, which are meant to cover specific health services. For example, Medicare Part A offers what’s known as “Hospital Insurance”, covering things like hospital stays, nursing facility or hospice care, as well as some home health costs. Medicare Part B, or what’s considered “Medical Insurance” covers medical supplies, preventative care, and outpatient health care. Medicare Part D is specifically for prescription drug coverage. Medicare Part C is what’s known as a Medicare Medical Savings Account Plans, which is paid for by users via an insurance provider. A Medicare Part C plan is purchased through a private insurer, who many charge A Part C plan premiums in addition to your Medicare premium. Depending on the state of your health, paying the additional premium can save you money in the long run. Here are a few easy ways to save money on Medicare Part C costs: 1. Compare Medicare Advantage Plans Advantage plans are an alternative to original/traditional Medicare. Original Medicare refers to Medicare Part A and B coverage.
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How the Nervous System Holds the Key for Treating Asthma

How the Nervous System Holds the Key for Treating Asthma

Asthma is a common medical condition that affects millions of the people around the world. The symptoms of asthma are wheezing, tightness in chest, coughing, gasping, unable to talk and trouble breathing. The theory about asthma is the over-reactivities to some triggers such as pollen, dust, contamination and more, which gets the airway inflamed to produce excessive mucus in the bronchi and bronchioles and induces the muscles of the airway to contract. Scientific studies have shown that asthma is a nervous system response and the nervous system holds the key for treating asthma, here’s how: 1. Responsible for bronchial hyperreactivity The nervous system plays an important role in the hyperreactivities of the bronchi and bronchioles as well as in the contractions of the airway muscles. A sensitive group of neurons in the human body connect the brain with the lungs. When any injury or abnormality of these nerves, particularly the vagus nerve irritation, could result in the bronchi and bronchioles to have hyperactivities, and the hyperactivities of bronchi with bronchioles could result in spasms, then in turn, the spasms result in an asthma attack. Moreover, these nerves also control the chest muscles that intervene with the movements of expiration and inspiration.
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5 of the Worst Foods for Breathing Problems

5 of the Worst Foods for Breathing Problems

Respiratory issues are on the rise. If you have an existing condition, like COPD or asthma, that already affects breathing, it’s more important than ever to take care of yourself. With asthma and COPD patients may experience coughing, wheezing, and tightening of the chest. Most people know that too much exercise can exacerbate breathing problems, but unbeknownst to many, certain foods can also trigger breathing difficulties. Here are some foods that can make your respiratory issues a lot worse: 1. Cold cuts Cold cuts are a great way to make an easy meal in a short amount of time. However, the preservatives in processed meats are another trigger for respiratory issues. Try to eat as many natural, unprocessed foods as you can. Cold cuts tend to have a lot of nitrates, which can irritate your airways and cause inflammation. Hot dogs, bacon, and sausages are all bad for your lungs. One study in France showed that people who ate cured meat at least four times a week were 75 percent more likely to have respiratory issues than people who did not. 2. Acidic foods and drinks Asthma is caused by the acidic buildup of mucus. Consuming foods with lots of acid in them can make this buildup much worse.
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5 Common Early Symptoms of Hepatitis C

5 Common Early Symptoms of Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C virus is an infection that causes liver damage through inflammation. It spreads through blood contamination, and the Humana hep c treatment can either be daily oral medications or weekly injections. Most people with Hepatitis C virus (HCV) don’t know that they are infected due to the lack of symptoms. Below are the five most common early symptoms of Hepatitis C. Understanding them allows you to know how you can best combat them: 1. Fatigue HCV can be draining, and so is the hep c treatment. Fatigue is a part of the early symptoms that you can experience if you have HCV. However, there are different ways of dealing with HCV. These include: Taking short naps to re-energize your body. Drinking lots of water daily. Sleeping and waking up at the same time daily. Choose a moderate exercise like tai chi, yoga, or walking. In case these solutions won’t help you, consider speaking to your doctor. They can suggest RX discount coupons and better solutions, which will aid in re-energizing your body and decreasing fatigue. 2. Sore muscles and joint pain When you experience sore muscles and joint pain, this will be the body’s autoimmune response. You have to understand that the virus is beginning to affect your body’s different areas rather than the liver when you experience these pains.
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3 Ways Zinc Boosts the Immune System and Other Great Benefits

3 Ways Zinc Boosts the Immune System and Other Great Benefits

For such a little discussed mineral, zinc plays various essential roles in supporting the immune system, as well as the entire health of the body. According to the National Institutes of Health, zinc is vital for immune-function, DNA and protein synthesis (for growth and development), protecting the eyes from age-related vision loss, and wound healing. Thankfully, it’s easy to find zinc in foods like primarily red meat and poultry. However, other great zinc sources include shellfish, nuts, whole grains, beans, and fortified breakfast cereals. Here are three ways zinc not only boosts the immune system, but also supports the entire body: 1. Wound healing Believe it or not, when you suffer a surface wound, zinc blasts into action immediately, supporting every stage of the wound healing process. Zinc is a powerful immune defense, protecting the wound from invading germs and bacteria. Secondly, zine is utilized for membrane repair, including the coagulation of blood and also tissue re-epithelialization. Thirdly, zinc promotes wound healing by promoting inflammation as immune as it prompts scar formation. Many chronic health conditions benefit from zinc rich foods. For instance, patients with inflammatory skin conditions, such as eczema, rosacea, and skin ulcers benefit greatly from a zinc rich diet.
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Causes and Symptoms of Chronic Dry Eyes

Causes and Symptoms of Chronic Dry Eyes

Dry eyes occur commonly and can be chronic or flare-up under certain circumstances. The condition occurs when the eyes can’t receive the necessary lubrication. This can occur from either a lack of tears or low-quality tears that can’t moisten the eyes effectively. This, unfortunately, can lead to irritation and eventually damage to the surface of the eyes. The symptoms include a burning or stinging sensation in the eyes. There are several causes of irritated eyes, and these include: 1. Natural aging While anyone can experience dry eyes, it does become more prevalent with advancing age. Those individuals over 50 can experience dry eyes much more often. This results from the body’s tear production system slowing down and failing to create enough lubrication for the eyes. Unfortunately, there isn’t a preventative measure against this form of dry eye; chronic dry eyes treatment with artificial tears are effective if used regularly. 2. Underlying medical conditions In some cases, dry eye results from other medical conditions that cause less tear production. For example, Sjogren’s Syndrome is a condition that confuses the white blood cells into attacking the tear glands. This disease typically presents itself in middle age and can include dry mouth and skin, among other symptoms.
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Causes and Diagnosis of Hemorrhoids

Causes and Diagnosis of Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids, also known as piles, occur on the lower rectum or anus due to swollen veins and are often similar to varicose veins. Some of the common warning symptoms of hemorrhoids include bleeding, inflation within the anus, pain, and irritation around the anal area. The condition is diagnosed based on a physical exam and medical history. There are various types of hemorrhoids, including eternal, external, and thrombosed. For an internal diagnosis, a digital rectal exam is needed. Below are the risk factors for developing hemorrhoids: 1. Lifting too heavy objects When lifting too heavy objects, you may strain or apply excessive pressure on veins near the rectal area. Hemorrhoids due to lifting weighty objects are most common in people who visit the gym frequently. It’s because they tend to hold their breath due to straining as they lift the heavy items. Professional weight lifters are encouraged to take deep breaths before lifting weights. It helps in minimizing the pressure being put on the internal organs and helps in preventing straining. You may also purchase over-the-counter hemorrhoids relief cream cures to help ease the discomfort. 2. Excess weight during pregnancy Women with excess weight during pregnancy suffer from hemorrhoids, especially during the third trimester.
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6 Health Conditions Linked to Psoriasis

6 Health Conditions Linked to Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disorder that affects the skin, causing red, scaly patches that can be itchy and painful. It occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy skin cells, causing an overproduction of new cells that build up on the skin’s surface. The chronic inflammation that characterizes psoriasis can affect other parts of the body, leading to an increased risk of developing conditions such as cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance, diabetes, and certain types of cancer: 1. Depression There is a well-established relationship between depression and psoriasis. Psoriasis can be distressing and uncomfortable, leading to frustration, embarrassment, and shame. The chronic stress and emotional burden of psoriasis can contribute to depression. In addition, the physical symptoms of psoriasis, such as itching, pain, and discomfort, can also contribute to a person’s depressed status. Psoriasis can impact a person’s self-esteem, social life, and ability to engage in enjoyable activities. Individuals with psoriasis need comprehensive care that addresses their physical and mental health needs. This may include medical treatments for psoriasis, such as topical or systemic medications, and psychological therapies to address anxiety. 2. Heart disease Studies have shown that individuals with psoriasis have an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attack, stroke, and atherosclerosis (hardening and narrowing of the arteries).
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