Thyroid Disease: Causes, Symptoms, and Types

Thyroid Disease: Causes, Symptoms, and Types

Located in the anterior portion of the trachea just below the larynx in the neck region, the thyroid gland is one of the most important endocrine glands in our body. The butterfly-shaped bi-lobular gland is connected in the anterior by an isthmus or a narrow tissue strip. The thyroid gland plays a very important role in maintaining the metabolism of the body and thus, helps in regulating the body’s normal functions. There are four lobes of parathyroid glands located two on both sides of the thyroid gland. It helps in maintaining the normal blood calcium level in the body. It secretes three types of hormones: Triiodothyronine (T3) Tetraiodothyronine (T4) Calcitonin 1. Causes There are several types of thyroid diseases which are either caused by structural or functional anomaly. Treating thyroid diseases depends a lot on finding the cause of the disease. The normal functioning of a thyroid gland depends on the amount of iodine intake in one’s diet. Thus, any deviance from the normal iodine requirement of the body can cause hypersecretion of thyroid hormones and thus, thyroid diseases. Apart from that, thyroid diseases can also be caused due to enlargement or uncontrollable growth in the thyroid tissue or nodules which might eventually lead to thyroid cancer.
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Common Types of Anemia

Common Types of Anemia

Anemia is a condition that causes a decrease in the number of red blood cells. Red blood cells are the primary carrier of oxygen inside the body. The hemoglobin in these cells bind with oxygen and get transported to various body parts through the blood. In anemia, the decrease in the count of these cells causes fatigue and several other diseases, some of which can be life-threatening. There are several types of anemia which can be caused due to different reasons. It is more common in women than in men and can affect individuals belonging to any age group. Anemia can be a serious issue for pregnant women and thus, needs to be treated immediately. 1. Iron deficiency anemia This is one of the most common types of anemia which mainly affects women. It is caused due to a deficiency of iron in the diet. Iron is primarily required by the bone marrow to produce normal levels of hemoglobin and RBCs. With reduced iron levels in the body, the bone marrow fails to maintain the normal levels of hemoglobin and thus, causes anemia. It is also caused due to heavy blood flow during menstruation, ulcers, and intake of medications like aspirin.
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The Most Common Types of Hepatitis

The Most Common Types of Hepatitis

Hepatitis is one of the most dreaded conditions of the liver, especially because it involves severe discomfort and loss of appetite. It causes inflammation of the liver, which mostly results from a viral infection. The liver serves a number of functions in our body, including the assimilation and conversion of glucose into glycogen as well as the breakdown of glycogen into glucose. Besides, the liver produces bile, synthesis hormones, vitamins and minerals, synthesis enzymes, and blood protein factors. It also helps in digestion and excretion and also has other functions. The various types of hepatitis cause an anomaly in liver functioning. Hepatitis can occur due to autoimmune disorders, side effects of medications, drug abuse, or excess alcohol consumption. Hepatitis from autoimmune disorders results in the destruction of the liver cells or hepatocytes by its own lymphocytes. This type of hepatitis is also very painful and dangerous. 1. Symptoms The primary symptoms of hepatitis are similar to those of flu, which is why diagnosis is often delayed: Yellowing of eyes and skin (this can lead to confusion with jaundice) Urine will be darker in color and stool will be pale Pain in the abdomen Fatigue Loss of appetite Weight loss 2.
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A Guide to the Various Types of Peptic Ulcers

A Guide to the Various Types of Peptic Ulcers

Peptic ulcers refer to the open sores that develop on the inside lining of the stomach. It is primarily found in the upper portion of the small intestine. Stomach pain is the most common symptom of all peptic ulcer types. According to estimates, over 500,000 people develop the symptoms of peptic ulcers each year in the country. The causes of all peptic ulcer types include infections caused by Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) bacteria and the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications. 1. Types of peptic ulcers Based on its occurrence and symptoms, peptic ulcer is categorized into two types. Gastric ulcers that occur inside the stomach Duodenal ulcers that occur inside the upper portion of the small intestine, which is also known as the duodenum 2. Symptoms The prime symptom of both ulcer types is stomach pain. In addition to stomach pain, you may experience additional uneasiness. Stomach acid has the ability to make the pain worse, as does having an empty stomach. The pain of all peptic ulcer types is often known to be relieved by the consumption of certain over-the-counter medications like acid-reducing medication. But the pain can recur in various cases. It has been observed that in peptic ulcers, the pain usually gets worse between meals and at night.
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Can Excess Gaming Cause ADHD in Children?

Can Excess Gaming Cause ADHD in Children?

For the overall growth of children, it is essential to engage them in different kinds of activities such as art, drama, music, and gaming. Children enjoy playing online games for added excitement and fun in their lives. While being involved in Internet gaming, children tend to forget other tasks. It is observed that excessive engagement with technology can result in mental disorders. It is quite common that parents complain that their kids have symptoms related to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). However, research has something else to indicate. Let us first get a better understanding of ADHD. 1. What is ADHD? You might have noticed your child behaving weirdly. If the child is unable to focus on any work or activity except the screen of a video game, this does not mean that he/she is suffering from ADHD. Many people correlate the combination of diverted attention toward Internet gaming and changed the behavior of the child with ADHD, which is wrong. ADHD is a medical condition in which people find it hard to pay attention to tasks and control their spontaneous behaviors. The most common symptoms of ADHD include emotional turmoil, unfinished tasks, aggression, limited attention, persistent repetition of actions or words, and a lack of focus.
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Treatment and Prevention of Lyme Disease

Treatment and Prevention of Lyme Disease

The bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi and Borrelia mayonii are known to be the cause of lyme disease in the United States whereas it is caused by borrelia afzelii and borrelia garinii in Europe and Asia. This bacteria, when transmitted to humans from an infected black-legged tick, more commonly deer tick through a bite, lead to the condition. Lyme disease prevention is the best possible method to avoid its impact. Taking precautions beforehand and avoiding areas like grasslands and woods that are known to be tick-infested are essential for lyme disease prevention. 1. Stages of lyme infection The 3 stages of lyme disease include: Early localized Lyme Early disseminated Lyme Late disseminated Lyme Core symptoms of post-treatment of lyme disease are muscle or joint pain, brief mental confusion, short term memory loss, and fatigue. Early-stage infection The infection in this stage can be treated with antibiotics. The time period of use of medication can range from 10 days to 3 weeks. It is seen that about 90 percent of cases have shown the infection to be cured with antibiotics. If not, other antibiotics are prescribed which can be administered either orally or through an IV. Individuals with particular neurological or cardiac illness may need IV treatment with penicillin or ceftriaxone antibiotics.
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Melanoma: Prevention, Symptoms, and Treatment

Melanoma: Prevention, Symptoms, and Treatment

Melanoma is a very serious type of skin cancer that develops in the cells (melanocytes) that produce melanin, which is the pigment that gives your skin its color. It could also form in your eyes in rare cases and in the internal organs like the intestines. The exact reason for developing this cancer is not known, but it is mostly due to extreme exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from sunlight or tanning beds and lamps. It has been found that people under the age of 40 have more chances of getting it, especially women. Melanoma treatment is possible and is successful if detected early. Herein, we discuss prevention methods and symptoms of melanoma along with treatment options. 1. Prevention It is best to follow some basic things to avoid getting melanoma, such as avoiding excessive exposure to UV rays. You can use sunscreen lotion when you are out and reapply after every two hours; you must also do this for your children. You can also wear clothes that protect against the sun. It is advisable to avoid tanning booths, lamps, and sunbeds. Self-examination is the first step toward diagnosing this cancer. Any changes in the appearance of the skin or existing moles and freckles should be reported to the doctor.
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Treatment Methods for Oral Cancer

Treatment Methods for Oral Cancer

Oral cancer is a type of cancer that develops in the tissues of the mouth or throat tissues and is categorized under the larger group of head and neck cancers. It is found within the squamous cells of the tongue, mouth, and lips. Early diagnosis and detection are crucial to surviving any type of oral cancer. 1. Different oral cancer types Oral cancers include cancer in the following parts of the body: Lips Gums Tongue Floor of the mouth Inner cheek lining of the cheek Hard and soft palate 2. Risk factors leading to the development of these oral cancer types HPV infection Chronic sun exposure to the face A family history of oral cancer A diminished immune system An earlier diagnosis of oral cancer Weak nutrition Genetic syndromes Belonging to the male sex 3. Stages of oral cancer Oral cancer can be divided into 4 stages, these are: Stage 1 In this stage, a tumor that is 2 cm or smaller develops, and it hasn’t spread to the lymph nodes. Stage 2 A tumor 2-4 cms in size develops, with no cancer cells having spread to the lymph nodes. Stage 3 The tumor is now over 4 cm and has spread to only one lymph node, but not to other body parts.
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What are the Symptoms and Causes of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension?

What are the Symptoms and Causes of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension?

Pulmonary arterial hypertension is a part of the broader condition called pulmonary hypertension. There is the presence of abnormally high blood pressure or hypertension in the pulmonary artery (artery of the lungs), which means that the pressure is more than 25mm Hg at rest or greater than 30 mm Hg while exercising. This progressive disorder occurs when the arteries carrying blood become constricted or narrower. This increases the resistance to the flowing blood or makes it harder for blood to flow. To counter this resistance, the heart increases the pressure in the pulmonary artery to pump the blood from the chambers. This increased blood pressure can damage the heart chambers causing the muscles to weaken. It can be fatal if left untreated. The symptoms of pulmonary arterial hypertension begin to surface when the increased blood pressure is not able to withstand increased resistance. This results in insufficient blood flow from the lungs to the rest of the body. This causes shortness of breath, which is the most commonly visible symptom. 1. Symptoms of pulmonary arterial hypertension Pulmonary arterial hypertension in its early stages is hardly noticeable. The signs and symptoms will not present themselves for months or even years. They are likely to be experienced when the disease has progressed and the symptoms have worsened.
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Treatment Options for Different Types of Skin Cancers

Treatment Options for Different Types of Skin Cancers

Skin cancer is a condition wherein cancerous cells begin to develop within the skin tissues. Age, gender, exposure to sunlight, radiation, immune suppression, skin tone, moles, genetics, and other lifestyle factors are all included under risk factors for skin cancer. There are three main types of skin cancer: Basal cell carcinoma Squamous cell carcinoma Actinic keratosis Based on the risk factors and type of skin cancer, treatment options are figured out. Standard treatment options used for skin cancer are surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy, chemical peel, and photodynamic therapy. This article mentions some surgical procedures that are used in treating skin cancer: Simple excision The tumor and the normal tissue encircling it is removed from the skin. Mohs micrographic surgery The tumor is removed in thin layers from the skin until no more cancerous cells are noticed when checked under microscope. This surgery removes very minimal normal tissue. Shave excision Shaving of abnormal region of the skin using a blade. Curettage and electrodessication A curette removes the tumor, and an electro surgery is performed on the area to destroy the remaining cells around the edge. Cryosurgery This freezes and destroys the abnormal tissue with the help of an instrument.
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