Foods to Include in a Hepatitis Diet
Food & Recipes

Foods to Include in a Hepatitis Diet

Hepatitis is an infection caused by a virus that causes inflammation of the liver as well as fibrosis. It is estimated that millions of people all over the world suffer from hepatitis in one form or the other, and the numbers are expected to grow exponentially over the next few years. What makes hepatitis C dangerous is the fact that its effect on the body is immediate as it directly impacts the nourishment that the body receives from eating food. Besides, hepatitis C can also lead to several other health issues and complications. For people who consume a lot of alcohol, cirrhosis of the liver is a probable complication. If left untreated, hepatitis C could end up damaging the liver permanently. Given this, it is vital for patients to follow a strict diet regimen to ensure that they consume the right foods to manage hepatitis C and prevent the condition from worsening. While there is no specific diet plan attributed to hepatitis C, a healthy diet can enable one to manage the condition and prevent damage to the liver. Here are some things to be included in the diet for effective management of the disease: 1. Fruits and vegetables It is important to consume fresh fruits and vegetables regularly; for starters, organic fruits and vegetables are preferable.
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10 Late-Night Snacks for Diabetics
Food & Recipes

10 Late-Night Snacks for Diabetics

Midnight snacking is not off-limits if you are diabetic, but it is important to be selective and mindful of what you eat. Late-night snacks for people with diabetes are considered harmful because they add extra calories. However, research shows that some midnight snacks can be good for diabetics. As fasting for long hours forces the liver to overproduce glucose, it may raise blood sugar levels. Here are some healthy snacks for people with diabetes to satisfy those midnight cravings: 1. Sugar-free chocolate pudding Sweet cravings are not unusual in diabetics. If you are craving for something sweet in the middle of the night, a small cup of sugar-free chocolate pudding would be great. Pudding mixes are widely available in stores; choose one that’s sugar-free. You can also make your own healthy chia pudding. Choose unsweetened soymilk to go with it, along with Greek yogurt, chia seeds, unsweetened cocoa powder, vanilla extract, and stevia for sweetness. 2. Hard-boiled eggs Hard-boiled eggs are the best snack for diabetes. They contain protein to help diabetics maintain their blood sugar levels. They also keep you full for longer. 3. Raw or roasted nuts Nuts contain carbs and good fats, which ensures that blood sugar levels do not spike.
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5 Guilt-Free Snacks for High Cholesterol
Food & Recipes

5 Guilt-Free Snacks for High Cholesterol

High levels of cholesterol in the blood increase the risk of heart disease in the long run. Cholesterol buildup in the arteries reduces blood supply to the heart and can be life-threatening if not treated properly. This is why people with high cholesterol are advised to not consume oily food and follow a restricted diet. There are so many munching options to satisfy hunger cravings throughout the day, but for people with diabetes and cholesterol, it becomes a struggle to snack on many of the options available without worrying about health issues cropping up. Here are some of the best snacks for high cholesterol that will not interfere with the diet and will also ensure that there is no compromising on taste: 1. Dissolve fats with oatmeal While talking about cholesterol issues, it is hard to miss out on oatmeal. Oatmeal makes up for one of the best snacks for high cholesterol, solely because of its fiber content. The high fiber helps in dissolving unwanted fat deposition from various parts of the body. Besides, it boosts up bile secretion from the liver and improves digestion. Oats are readily available in the market, and you just need to cook it in boiling water and add some veggies and nuts for a healthy meal or snack anytime during the day!
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Snacks for Kids While Traveling
Food & Recipes

Snacks for Kids While Traveling

Planning a road trip with kids can be exhausting. Despite planning and carrying games, books, and toys, they come up with something out-of-the-box. The only way to satiate them is by packing snacks for kids for the entire road trip. Healthy and kid-friendly snacks can be a savior on trips. Here’s a choice of 7 snacks for kids that you can pack for the upcoming road trip to keep them satiated for long and prevent crankiness because of hunger: 1. Yogurt granola bars Low in sugar and high in fiber, yogurt topped granola bars are excellent to boost your child’s nutrition intake. In addition, these are easier to munch on the move than regular granola. Add some yogurt toppings or crumble the granola bars into a cup of yogurt for a crunchy snack for kids. 2. Dry cereals Dry cereals are kids’ favorite breakfast. Pack them for your road trip for a pleasant surprise. Dry cereals are available in different shapes and flavors today, and they are not just sweet, but salty as well. You may even try something different by combining cereal with yogurt and packing them in airtight containers for the trip. 3. Fresh fruits The right food can make a road trip with kids much easier.
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Tips to Solve Freezer Odor Problems
Food & Recipes

Tips to Solve Freezer Odor Problems

If you allow food to spoil in the freezer, there are chances that there will be a bad odor that sometimes gets extremely difficult to remove. In addition to being a nuisance every time you open the freezer door, it is also a hazard to freezer safety as there will be other food items that might be affected because of the odor. There are certain very ways to get rid of the strong odor, some of which have been discussed below. 1. Cleaning the appliance The first step to getting rid of the odor is cleaning the appliance properly, after you’ve gotten rid of the particular food in question. Clean the freezer from the inside gently by using a bleach solution with a very mild concentration of chlorine. It is important to remove the contents of the freezer before you clean the inside to make sure that anything else is not affected by the spoiled food. 2. Leave the door open It might not sound very wise at first, but leaving the door open for some time depending on the intensity of the odor is a very important part of freezer safety. While sometimes, you will notice the odor will vanish in a few hours, you might have to leave the door open for a couple of days in other instances.
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4 Safety and Hygiene Tips for Refrigerating Foods
Food & Recipes

4 Safety and Hygiene Tips for Refrigerating Foods

Refrigeration is an indispensable element of any modern kitchen. Keeping food cold helps increase its shelf-life and prevents bacteria from growing. Bacteria in food can often multiply to an extent where it is detrimental to our health and lead to food poisoning. Therefore, knowing the right way of refrigerating foods is extremely important to increase their shelf-life and prevent them from going bad. To that effect, here are some tips for hygiene and food safety while refrigerating foods. 1. Right placement on shelves Believe it or not, there is a way to correctly refrigerating foods by placing them on the shelves. For instance, the door shelves are the warmest part of the refrigerator and not suited for milk cans. You can place fewer perishable items here like mustard sauce, ketchup, juice, and eggs. The utmost shelf is best-suited for dairy products such as butter and cheese, as this shelf has the most consistent temperature. Cold air has a tendency to sink and, therefore, the bottom shelf is the coldest. Use this space to store leftover food, but do make sure you remember to take it out and consume it before it gets stale. Most refrigerators also come with crisper drawers that are ideal for storing vegetables.
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Managing Bipolar Depression with a Proper Diet
Food & Recipes

Managing Bipolar Depression with a Proper Diet

Bipolar disorder is a complex mental health condition defined by dramatic mood swings – both highs (mania) and lows (depression). Symptoms can range from mild to extreme in terms of severity and intensity. Although mood swings come and go, sudden occurrences affect the overall health. Bipolar depression foods are believed to be effective in improving moods. Consuming bipolar depression foods combined with medicines and therapies can control this emotional instability. 1. What diet is recommended for bipolar depression? Although there is no specific diet for bipolar depression, it is essential to make healthy food choices, maintain body weight, and stay fit. Firstly, avoid the Western-style diet. These diets are rich in saturated fats, trans fats, simple carbohydrates, and red meat. As a result, this type of diet increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, depression, heart diseases, and obesity. Eating a balanced diet with nutrient-dense and protective foods that help manage bipolar depression is essential. Foods like fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, cold-water fish, lean meats, low-fat dairy, nuts and seeds, and soy products are healthy. These foods not only provide necessary nutrients but also prevent diseases. Watch daily calorie intake and exercise regularly for a healthy body weight.
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Cancer and the Top Cancer-Fighting Foods
Food & Recipes

Cancer and the Top Cancer-Fighting Foods

Cancer is the name that is given to a disease where abnormal cells uncontrollably divide and destroy the tissues in the body. It can affect any region or any part of the body. Cancer may originate in one part, but unless it is cured, it tends to spread and affect the cells in other parts of the body. This process is known as metastasis of cancer. 1. Who is more susceptible to cancer? There is no particular cause that leads to cancer. However, there are risk factors that increase the chances of one having cancer. These are: Family history Exposure to radiation Aging Poor diet Obesity Smoking Neglect to health 2. What are the types of cancer? There are numerous types of cancer, of which the most common types are: Breast cancer Prostate cancer Melanoma Lung cancer Colon cancer Basal cell cancer Leukemia Lymphoma 3. What are the symptoms of cancer? While each type of cancer shows different symptoms based on the stage it is at, there are a few signs that can help identify potential cancer. Sore that does not heal Unusual discharge or bleeding Indigestion Lump in the breast or elsewhere in the body Presence of an unexplained mole or wart If one finds themselves having certain unexplained symptoms, it is best to consult a doctor immediately.
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5 Foods to Manage Cystic Fibrosis
Food & Recipes

5 Foods to Manage Cystic Fibrosis

Chronic liver condition is a series of processes or diseases that affect the liver for a long period of time. They mainly cause the destruction of hepatocytes or liver cells, which causes several other complications, including liver cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis, which is a kind of inflammation in the hepatic cells, and hepatocellular carcinoma, which is also known as primary liver cancer. This may be accompanied by pain and severe discomfort, resulting in vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, and several other symptoms. However, one may not experience all the symptoms at once. The condition may last for an approximate period of six months, and the patient is medically treated by gastroenterologists. In the case of carcinoma, one might need advanced treatment, but they also need to follow a strict diet consisting of foods beneficial for cystic fibrosis that enhance the effectiveness of the medication and help accelerate the healing process. The diet recommended should, in general, consist of high-calorie foods with fat value. This is because people suffering from cystic fibrosis need to maintain a healthy diet so that the body gets all the necessary nutrition. The nutrition intake highly depends on the age of the sufferer and the type of food chart they want to follow.
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DASH Diet for Lowering Blood Pressure
Food & Recipes

DASH Diet for Lowering Blood Pressure

Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) is a lifelong approach of consciously eating healthy to prevent and treat various health conditions like hypertension or high blood pressure. The DASH diet is designed to reduce the intake of sodium and encourages you to eat a variety of foods rich in nutrients like magnesium, calcium, and potassium, which helps in lowering blood pressure. With adherence to this diet, you will be able to reduce your blood pressure by a few points within a matter of just two weeks. According to research, following the DASH diet can help in bringing down the systolic blood pressure by 8-14 points, which can make a significant difference in your health. Since this diet is a healthy way of eating, it offers an array of health benefits in addition to lowering your blood pressure. Today, the DASH diet is also becoming a recommendation for the prevention of other medical conditions like diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and osteoporosis. By design, the diet emphasizes highly on a variety of foods, nutrients, and the right portion sizes. 1. Management of sodium levels through this diet This diet emphasizes the consumption of fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy foods. A moderate amount of whole grains, fish, poultry, and nuts are also included in this diet.
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