Foods to Eat and Avoid for ED
Food & Recipes

Foods to Eat and Avoid for ED

Erectile dysfunction (ED) refers to the condition when a man is unable to get or sustain an erection. Rarely experienced erection issues are not a major concern as they will come and go by themselves. However, more periodic and regular symptoms of ED are a cause of concern. ED can lead to lower self-confidence, stress, and relationship issues. Certain underlying health conditions like heart disease are major contributors to the development of ED. 1. Superfoods for ED Research has reported that a healthy diet of superfoods works wonders with ED. There is a list of ED superfoods, which should be included in the daily diet for men to prevent and manage the symptoms of ED: Watermelon Papayas Bananas Porridge Salmon Nuts Milk Cheese Garlic Onion Dark chocolates Cherries Walnuts 2. Foods to avoid Along with ensuring the consumption of these superfoods for ED, men need to be careful while choosing what to keep out of their diet. Certain foods are known for contributing to the symptoms of ED, so it is important for men to avoid these to promote a healthier libido. Here’s a list of foods for men to avoid: Cut down on meat Cholesterol and animal fat are always bad for heart health, and cardiovascular health always promotes sexual health.
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Top 10 Foods that Help Prevent Heart Disease
Food & Recipes

Top 10 Foods that Help Prevent Heart Disease

Heart diseases account for around one-third of all deaths globally, according to studies. Your diet plays a vital role in you being healthy and avoiding diseases with heart disease. A healthy diet and lifestyle are key to having a healthy body. One should avoid foods that can affect blood pressure and cholesterol as they can ultimately become the cause of somebody being affected with heart disease. Eating healthy will include a good quantity of fruits and vegetables. Mentioned below are the top foods that will help prevent heart disease when included in your diet regularly. 1. Whole grains They are rich in nutrients and should be a staple in the diet. Examples are brown rice, oats, barley, and whole wheat. Intake of whole grains helps diminish LDL cholesterol, which, in turn, helps reduce the risk of heart disease as they have a high amount of fiber. 2. Asparagus The intake of asparagus helps reduce the amino acid homocysteine from increasing in the body. This amino acid in a huge amount is responsible for heart-related diseases. Hence, asparagus is one of the major foods that prevent heart disease. 3. Broccoli Steamed broccoli prevents heart disease as according to studies, consuming steamed broccoli regularly helps in the reduction of cholesterol levels.
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7 Superfoods to Reduce the Risk of Cancer
Food & Recipes

7 Superfoods to Reduce the Risk of Cancer

There are certain foods that can help keep cancer at bay. One can find these superfoods easily find in one’s fridge or the nearest grocery store. These may not help cure the disease entirely but will surely help reduce its intensity. Some risk factors for cancer like environment and genetic factors may be out of one’s control but research shows that about 70% of one’s lifetime cancer risk is within their control; this includes following a healthy diet and lifestyle. So why not make those healthy choices and take a step towards preventing this life-threatening disease. If one has a history of cancer in their family, making small changes to one’s diet can help in the long run. However, if one has been diagnosed with cancer, following a nutritious diet will surely help. Some foods do have the power in them to reduce cancer. 1. Broccoli All cruciferous veggies like cauliflower, cabbage, and kale have cancer-fighting properties, but of the lot, broccoli has great amounts of sulforaphane. This is a potent ingredient that boosts the body’s protective enzymes and takes out the cancer-causing chemicals. It is one of the great foods to reduce cancer. It helps in fighting breast, liver, lung, prostate, skin, stomach, and bladder cancers.
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15 Healthy Vegetarian Snacks for Adults and Kids
Food & Recipes

15 Healthy Vegetarian Snacks for Adults and Kids

Eating right is a key component of leading a healthy and long life. Going on crash diets or eating healthy only to lose weight is not the right way. It has to become a regular part of your routine. An excellent way to start is to introduce healthy snacks that work for both adults and kids into your diet and gradually move to nutritious meals. Here are some healthy vegetarian snacks for adults and kids that are easy to make and delicious to eat: 1. Protein-packed quinoa bits with sweet potato and black beans Pick up quinoa from any food store and add herbed sweet potatoes and black beans to get an energy-laden snack to pull you through the day. 2. Nut butter with fruit Slice up your favorite fruit, be it apples, bananas, or pears, add your favorite nut butter like peanut, almond, or cashew, and voila! You have a healthy and satisfying snack loaded with antioxidants and fiber. 3. Cheese sticks They are easy to carry on the go and help curb cravings as well. The health factor is also high with proteins and calcium. 4. Hummus and bell peppers Pair hummus, which is high in protein and fiber, with roasted and herbed bell peppers, which contain vitamins C and A, and fiber.
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10 Foods for High-Cholesterol
Food & Recipes

10 Foods for High-Cholesterol

Cholesterol is produced in the liver and is a crucial building block for the cell membranes. It then travels throughout the body in the bloodstream. It is also vital for the production of hormones and vitamin D in our body and the digestion of fatty food. The levels of cholesterol depend on a person’s genes and the lifestyle they follow. High cholesterol levels increase the risk of heart disease and stroke, which can be reduced by following a diet for high-cholesterol issues. This should be a well-balanced diet comprising food items that help in the reduction of cholesterol levels. Here are 10 foods that are not part of a high-cholesterol diet and help in the reduction of cholesterol levels in the body: 1. Apples Apples have a good amount of pectin, which has the ability to convert into a gel form when mixed with water. Similarly, in the body, this pectin converts into a gel and binds excess cholesterol before it is absorbed. 2. Barley Barley, as part of a diet for high-cholesterol issues, helps immensely in reducing the levels of bad cholesterol in the body. This whole grain consists of beta-glucan, which has the ability to bind cholesterol, which means the cholesterol is not absorbed into the body.
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Foods to Eat and Avoid During Early Stages of Renal Cancer
Food & Recipes

Foods to Eat and Avoid During Early Stages of Renal Cancer

If you are seeking treatment for kidney cancer, it is crucial to get appropriate nutrition. This is essential to keep the body strong and deal with the treatment. Renal cancer causes and treatment methods have to be kept in mind to get the right dietary plan. Consuming a healthy diet poses a challenge as the patient loses his/her appetite completely. Understanding the causes of renal cancer, diet has to be selected and balanced to get appropriate nutrition without any side effects. The needs of nutrition are based on the phase of cancer and the kind of treatment. Below listed are foods to eat during early stages of renal cancer: 1. Fruits and veggies Rich in soluble fiber, fruits and vegetables are abundant in several essential vitamins and minerals. They minimize cholesterol levels and manage the blood sugar. Aim for 5-10 servings of vegetables and fruits from different sources each day. 2. Whole grains and starches Wild rice, whole wheat bread, and pasta are good energy sources. They are abundant in iron, fiber, and vitamin B. Some are even rich in potassium and phosphorous. However, avoid high doses as during treatment, kidneys are not fully functional. Check with your physician as to what suits your condition.
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Foods to Eat and Avoid with Schizophrenia
Food & Recipes

Foods to Eat and Avoid with Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a chronic mental disorder that alters the way a person thinks, behaves, and feels. People with this condition seem to have lost touch with reality. It affects about 1% of adults all over the world. It is characterized by hallucinations, delusions, and cognitive challenges. It usually strikes between 16 and 30 years of age and has a slow progression rate; hence it goes unnoticed for years. However, for some, it can strike suddenly with the fast development of symptoms. There are many factors involved in the onset of schizophrenia, including genetic and environmental triggers. With proper treatment, it can be managed, and people can lead normal lives. The treatment for this disease usually involves taking antipsychotic medications along with counseling, psycho-education, and rehabilitation. However, there are many natural schizophrenia treatments as well. It should be remembered that medication is imperative for this condition, and any other alternative natural therapies can be complementary. Here are some effective natural schizophrenia treatments. 1. Intake more vitamins It has been observed that people with this condition have low blood levels. So, they need to take folic acid and vitamin B9 supplements. These could reduce some of the symptoms. 2. Go for fish oil supplements One of the schizophrenia natural treatments include having a diet rich in fish oil as it has omega-3 fatty acids.
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Food and Snacks to Avoid for Eczema Patients
Food & Recipes

Food and Snacks to Avoid for Eczema Patients

Eczema is an inflammatory skin ailment, and the symptoms include blisters, rashes, and skin irritation. This ailment affects both adults and children and can affect infants as well. The exact cause of the condition is not yet known to researchers, but the causative factors can be genetic or lifestyle factors. An allergy to certain foods or snacks is considered to cause eczema in children or adults, but this cause is specific to individuals. Snacks for eczema patients are limited as the consumption of certain foods can trigger the symptoms of the disease. Here are some of the common snacks to reduce or, preferably, avoid for eczema patients: 1. Dairy products Dairy products can easily trigger flare-ups, so they should be reduced and avoided if the condition is serious. 2. Snacks rich in trans fats Some examples of food and snacks in this category that are harmful to eczema patients are margarine and fast food. 3. Snacks with preservatives These can trigger a flare-up of the symptoms and should be avoided. 4. Snacks with artificial colors or flavors As artificial colors and flavors are chemicals, they should be avoided. 5. Nuts Nuts like walnuts, almonds, pistachios, and peanuts can flare-up eczema symptoms and should be taken in limited quantities as snacks for eczema patients.
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Simple Snack Ideas for the Whole30 Diet
Food & Recipes

Simple Snack Ideas for the Whole30 Diet

The Whole30 diet is a 30-day elimination diet that focuses on including whole and unprocessed foods in your diet. This diet also requires you to avoid sugar, alcohol, legumes, grains, soy, and all types of dairy foods. It is similar to the paleo diet in many ways, but it is comparatively more restrictive. The Whole30 diet includes foods like meat, seeds, nuts, seafood, eggs, vegetables, and fruits. Throughout the diet period, you are advised not to count the calorie intake or weigh yourself as the weighing scale can lead to losing focus from all the other long-term benefits you can get from following the diet. Once the diet period is completed, you can slowly reintroduce foods outside the endorsed Whole30 list and learn how they affect your physical and mental health. Following this diet doesn’t mean your meals have to be bland or boring. Here are some simple snack ideas that are interesting and tasty and can be had at any time of the day by those following the Whole30 diet: 1. Apple snacks Apple slices drizzled with lime juice is a great snack for the diet. The lime juice also prevents the apple slices from turning brown. Prosciutto mixed with apples, dried apricots, and almonds is a wholesome meal in itself.
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A Healthy Diet for COPD Patients
Food & Recipes

A Healthy Diet for COPD Patients

A COPD diet or nutritional guidelines for individuals having COPD are provided to handle and manage the condition, thereby enabling the individual to lead a normal lifestyle. Dietary changes may not cure COPD, but meal planning and balancing the same are essential to keeping it under control. An individual can chalk up a diet with the help of a registered dietician to help them with the same. 1. Why should you follow a COPD diet? Good nutrition is required for fuel for the body to be able to carry out all its functions easily and comfortably, including breathing. Energy sources for the body are food and oxygen. Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are nutrients that are present in the food and get converted into CO2 and energy. Individuals affected by COPD need a lot more energy as compared to other individuals to carry out the function of breathing. The muscles employed in the activity require 10 times the calories for people with this condition. A proper diet ensures that these nutrition requirements are met. COPD- people affected by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease need a lot more energy for breathing than normal individuals. Muscles employed in breathing will need 10 more times the calories for people with COPD.
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