Foods to Completely Avoid when Suffering from Diabetes
Food & Recipes

Foods to Completely Avoid when Suffering from Diabetes

Diabetes is a condition that occurs when there is high insulin-content or blood sugar levels in the body. When uncontrolled, it can lead to kidney illnesses, heart issues, blindness, and other severe health conditions. Medication is one of the most common ways to treat diabetes but aside from this, lifestyle and dietary changes go a long way in helping one manage the condition. What people tend to forget though, is that while the right foods are important, the inappropriate foods can elevate insulin and blood sugar levels in the body, harming it. Consuming a balanced diabetic diet is one of the best ways to avoid the danger of complications. A diabetic diet doesn’t imply that the person affected should quit having foods that they enjoy if those are on the unhealthy side. It, however, means eating them in smaller proportions and at the right time. Listed below are some foods that should not be a part of a diabetic diet: 1. Carbohydrates Carbs have a huge impact on the blood sugar levels as they are broken down into sugar which is absorbed by the bloodstream. These include starch, sugar, and fiber. Except for fiber, the other two add up to the net carb content that raises the blood sugar to a harmful level.
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Diet Plans Suitable for IBS
Food & Recipes

Diet Plans Suitable for IBS

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a medical condition in which there are dramatic changes in bowel movements, leading to diarrhea and constipation. Cramps and abdominal pain are some other symptoms of this condition, and making certain dietary and lifestyle changes can help alleviate them. Here are some of the best and worst foods for IBS: 1. High-fiber diet Fiber is an integral ingredient of a healthy diet. It adds bulk to the stool, which helps in bowel movement. An adult needs to have about 20-35 grams of fiber daily. It might sound less, but in reality, an adult-only consumes 5-14 grams per day on average. Include fiber-rich food like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in the diet as they help prevent constipation. If one experiences bloating with these foods, they should switch to sources of soluble fiber in the form of fruits and vegetables instead of grains. In case of gas and diarrhea, insoluble fiber can cause further irritation, so it is essential to eliminate insoluble fiber and focus on soluble fiber like tomatoes, raisins, cabbage, whole grains, and nuts. 2. Gluten-free diet Gluten is an ingredient found in grain products like pasta and bread and can damage the intestine for gluten-intolerant people.
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Dietary Changes and Tips for Eczema
Food & Recipes

Dietary Changes and Tips for Eczema

Eczema, also known as dermatitis, is defined as a group of diseases that result in skin inflammation, rashes, and red and itchy skin. Many people in the country have some form of the condition. The causes of eczema are not known, but it is presumed to be caused by genetic and environmental factors. 1. Types of eczema There are various types of eczema: Atopic dermatitis It is common in developed countries, and the main causes are genetic. Contact dermatitis Exposure to allergens and irritants like detergent, wet cement, and such are the main causes. Dyshidrotic eczema It only occurs on soles, palms, and the sides of toes and fingers. Discoid eczema It is characterized by coin-shaped red rashes, and the cause is not known. Stasis dermatitis also called venous eczema, people over 50 years of age have this type of eczema that affects the ankle area. Lichen simplex chronicus The causes are constant scratching and rubbing a skin area. Seborrheic dermatitis One of the common disorders in the country, it usually affects people around the age of 50, at puberty, and infants less than 3 months of age. 2. How can eczema be treated? One can control the symptoms and manage eczema by changing their lifestyle.
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Dietary Changes for Gout
Food & Recipes

Dietary Changes for Gout

Gout is a type of arthritis that results in serious ache, redness, inflammation, tenderness, and swelling of the joints. Over 8.3 million individuals in the country are affected by gout. In this condition, excess uric acid levels in the body result in its accumulation, which forms crystals and deposit in the joints, causing severe discomfort and pain. Medicines aid in minimizing the levels of uric acid and in alleviating the symptoms, but a diet suitable for gout will aid in the prevention of high levels of uric acid levels and gout attacks. 1. Gout and diet Certain food types are known to trigger gout. Purines in plant and animal foods are substances that are broken down by the body into uric acid, spiking its levels in the blood. For a healthy person, this uric acid is eliminated efficiently through urine, but gout patients find it difficult to eliminate excess uric acid from the body, which leads to its accumulation. This excess uric acid crystallizes and gets deposited in the joints, leading to severe pain, especially at night. 2. Food to eat The primary objective of gout patients would be to develop lifelong healthy dietary habits. A diet suitable for gout incorporates all the food groups and aids in minimizing uric acid levels.
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Natural Foods to Include in a Psoriatic Arthritis Diet
Food & Recipes

Natural Foods to Include in a Psoriatic Arthritis Diet

Psoriatic arthritis is a chronic, inflammatory medical condition that affects different parts of the body. It features red patches of skin topped with silvery scales on the elbows, knees, or scalp. Most people get psoriasis first and are then diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis. In the latter condition, people suffer from joint pain and inflammation. Over a long period of time, these joints can get damaged. In such inflammatory conditions, it is best to avoid certain foods that increase the inflammation and also include certain other foods that will subside the swelling. Herein, we discuss the top natural foods someone with psoriatic arthritis should include in their diet. Food and dietary habits play a crucial role in containing and also reducing the inflammation. Eating certain kinds of natural foods can reduce inflammation caused due to psoriatic arthritis, so it is essential to include those in the diet. 1. Anti-inflammatory Omega-3s People suffering from psoriatic arthritis should include Omega-3 fatty acids in their regular diet. They are a type of polyunsaturated fatty acids that have anti-inflammatory properties. Imbibing these foods into your diet as part of the natural foods for those with psoriatic arthritis will help to a great level. Foods containing 0mega-3 fatty acids include Fatty fish, such as salmon and tuna Olive oil Flaxseed oil Flax and chia seeds Nuts Avocados 2.
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Foods that Help to Manage Lymphoma
Food & Recipes

Foods that Help to Manage Lymphoma

Lymphoma is a type of lymph node cancer. Lymph nodes are a tissue mass that aid in shielding the body from infection. A balanced diet provides one with good and overall health. It makes one feel healthy, retains energy, and provides the right nutrition. However, there are no foods that cure lymphoma, but following a balanced diet can assist in coping with lymphoma and its treatment. It will also aid in its recovery. Diet is among the primary natural treatments for lymphoma. If one is diagnosed with lymphoma, they should be eating properly during the course of treatment; one should also know what to eat and avoid to get the maximum benefit from the natural treatments for lymphoma via nutrition. When undergoing treatment, a balanced diet will aid in speeding up the recovery and also maintain one’s strength during the whole process. Overall, it will make one feel better. It also aids in sustaining a healthy weight. Consume frequent and small meals all through the day. This will ensure sufficient protein, calories, and nutrient intake to keep up with the treatment. 1. Select protein-rich foods Protein aids the body in repairing the tissues and cells and aids in enriching the immune system.
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Best Foods to Eat When You Have the Flu
Food & Recipes

Best Foods to Eat When You Have the Flu

The Influenza virus is an illness that can be deadly to some people. Symptoms of the flu include fever, chills, and body aches. It is important to get a flu shot to prevent this illness from taking over. A cold vs. flu is determined by the symptoms. Colds happen over time while flu symptoms come on suddenly. It is important to eat properly when you have the flu. What should you be eating to help reduce flu symptoms? 1. Broth Broth is a great food to eat when you are sick with the flu. The type of broth does not matter as much as how often you eat it as you should have one cup every hour or so to make sure you stay hydrated and to help ease a sore throat. 2. Chicken soup Like broth chicken soup helps to keep you hydrated and provides extra protein and nutrients your body needs from the vegetables in it. Eating chicken soup while you are sick can help aid you in your recovery. 3. Leafy green vegetables Leafy green vegetables can help boost your immune system by providing your body with important nutrients and vitamins. Greens such as spinach and kale have vitamin C which provides your immune system with a boost to help rid your body of the flu faster.
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Simple Keto Diet Meal and Snack Ideas
Food & Recipes

Simple Keto Diet Meal and Snack Ideas

The Ketogenic diet contains low carbohydrate content and a high quantity of fat. Many folks are trying the keto diet for weight management, to feel more energetic, to improve their skin, to sleep better, and even to manage the symptoms of epilepsy and type 2 diabetes. This diet puts your body in ketosis, which is a metabolic state that supports burning fat and turning it into helpful energy.  If you’re interested in Keto, here are simple keto-friendly recipes for diet-approved meals and snacks: 1. Keto chocolate peanut butter cups If you are hungry and yearn for a high energy snack, this is an ideal pick. Ingredients for this meal encompass coconut oil, liquid stevia, kosher salt, heavy cream, vanilla extract, cocoa powder, roasted salted peanuts, and natural peanut butter. Melt the coconut oil then add the peanut butter before mixing the cream with cocoa powder, vanilla extract, salt, and liquid stevia. Pour the chocolate-peanut butter mixture into muffins then freeze for an hour. This snack will help in boosting your body’s energy levels and metabolism as well. 2. Keto chocolate mousse The ingredients for this delicious snack include; softened cream cheese, heavy cream, a powdered sweetener with no calories, cocoa powder, salt, and vanilla extract.
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Top Foods that Trigger Migraines
Food & Recipes

Top Foods that Trigger Migraines

Each year millions of people suffer from migraines, a recurring type of headache. Migraines are known to leave those afflicted with a a sensation of a throbbing or pulsing pain, often occurring on one side of the head. Other symptoms include nausea, light and sound sensitivity, and muscle weakness. These occurrences can last from as little as a few hours to as long as several days. While migraines can be self diagnosed, they are often treated by a medical professional. There are many known triggers of migraines, and here are some of the top food triggers for migraines: 1. Dairy products In general dairy products are considered to be highly allergic, accounting for about 90 percent of all allergic reactions and are thought to be the most detrimental food group to migraine sufferers. The tyramine and histamine compounds that are found naturally occurring in dairy products lead to the severe headaches. Tyramine levels in foods actually increase during the fermentation and aging process, so it is an especially good idea to avoid aged cheeses such as brie, bleu, swiss, and cheddar. 2. Alcohol Alcohol is a diuretic which leads to one urinating more fluid than the body takes in. This source of dehydration can lead to migraines, so it is best that those who are prone to migraines exercise moderation when drinking or forgo the activity all together.
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The Best Smoothies for Joint Pain and Bone Health
Food & Recipes

The Best Smoothies for Joint Pain and Bone Health

Osteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis, is a degenerative, non-inflammatory disease where the cartilage of the joint gradually breaks down and causes pain. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an inflammatory arthritis that occurs in multiple joints. Joint pain with arthritis usually worsens with activity and improves with rest. Arthritis is common in the hands, wrists, knees, hips and back, but can occur in any joint. It is often associated with morning stiffness. With the right diet, osteoarthritis symptoms can be significantly reduced. Supplements are hard to remember to take, but a delicious smoothie is easy to slurp, particularly with these bone and joint supporting ingredients: 1. Flaxseed The polyunsaturated fat in omega-3 fatty acids found in these oils help reduce inflammation. If inflammation in the joint is reduced, pain associated with arthritis will improve. 2. Plain yogurt Yogurt is high in many vitamins and minerals, including calcium. Calcium is important for bone health. Since osteoporosis results in decreased bone density, the calcium in yogurt can help maintain strong, healthy bones. 3. Dark greens Dark greens such as spinach, kale, or collard greens contain high amounts of Vitamin D. This helps with calcium absorption which can help keep bones strong in those with osteoporosis.
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