Types of Allergies and their Triggers

Types of Allergies and their Triggers

An inappropriate response from the body’s immune system to a normally harmless substance known as an allergen is called an allergy. When the allergen comes in contact with the body it does not react immediately. The immune system gradually recognizes and remembers the allergen, and becomes sensitive to the substance and starts making antibodies to fight the allergen. This process is called sensitization, which sometimes takes weeks or even years, in such cases the patient might experience some symptoms but not a full allergy. Dust, pollen, and nuts are some of the most common allergy types. Allergies can be minor or severe, e.g., a life-threatening allergy type is known as Anaphylaxis. Skin and blood tests are done to diagnose allergy types.

There are various types of allergies and the triggers that cause them are even more. Some of them are

1. Pet fur
Allergies to pets with fur are very common in people suffering from asthma. Hay fever, runny nose, sneezing are common symptoms of this allergy type. Exposure to dead flakes of pet skin, animal fur are some triggers to pet allergies. Avoiding keeping pets in the house or reduced exposure to pets can help. prevent this allergy.

2. Dust
This type of allergy is usually caused by tiny bugs living in the house. Dust mites are too small to be seen by naked eyes. Upholstery furniture, bedding, soft toys and carpets at home are where these dust mites usually found. Sneezing, itchy eyes, wheezing, shortness of breath are some symptoms of dust mites. Maintaining a clean and tidy environment can help in avoiding dust triggers. Dust mites are usually common in humid weather. Allergies to dust mites can trigger rhinitis and asthma in people suffering from this disease.

4. Foods
Fish, peanuts, selfish often trigger allergies in adults and milk, eggs, soy wheat in children. This type of allergy shows symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, itching or swelling in the mouth. One should identify the foods that trigger allergies and remove them from the diet.

5. Nickel and gold
This allergy trigger comprises a reaction to fake or imitation jewelry, e.g., the affected area might swell up or the skin of that area might dry up or have patches. Reaction to nickel might be triggered when one consumes chocolate or fish.

6. Latex
Items like gloves, bandages, and adhesive are made of latex and is a common type of allergy trigger. Long-term use of these products can show symptoms of allergy to latex.

7. Cockroaches
Both children and adults can be affected by an allergy to cockroaches. This allergy is triggered by the saliva droppings of the cockroaches. Symptoms shown by people with this type of allergy are coughing, sneezing, ear infections, infection. Asthma attacks can also be triggered due to a cockroach allergy.

8. Artificial colors in foods
Most foods like cakes, chocolate candies contain edible food colors in them. Symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting, itching are shown by people triggered by food allergies. Food color allergies should be avoided as it could cause serious complications.