Top Essential Oils for Hair and Skin

Top Essential Oils for Hair and Skin

Essential oils are known to improve the health of your hair and skin. But determining the best oils amongst the myriad of options available is a challenging task. You need to know your hair and skin type to choose a suitable essential oil. Additionally, you have to make it a point to not use the essential oils for hair and skin directly. You must dilute it with carrier oils like jojoba, olive, or coconut oil as per the needs of your hair and skin. If you wish to buy the right essential oils for your hair and skin, you can take a look at some of the most popular options currently available.

1. Essential oils for hair

  • Lavender oil
    Lavender oil is known for stimulating hair growth. So, if you are struggling with hair fall problems, you can try this oil. It also has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that help in improving scalp health. Apart from this, lavender oil is also known to be great for skin health. It has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce skin discoloration, irritation, redness, and helps in restoring your natural skin tone.
  • Peppermint oil
    This essential oil promotes hair growth. When applied to the scalp, it causes a cold and tingling sensation which signals that it is stimulating blood circulation in the scalp.
  • Cedarwood oil
    This essential oil balances the oil glands in the scalp and promotes hair growth. The antibacterial and antifungal properties of cedarwood oil help in treating conditions that contribute to hair loss and dandruff.

Essential oils for skin

  • Tea tree oil
    It is a very effective essential oil for treating acne-prone skin. It has antibacterial properties that fight against the acne-causing bacteria, keeping the skin acne-free and reducing the risk of further breakouts.
  • Rosehip oil
    This essential oil contains useful fatty acids and antioxidants that help in skin regeneration. So, you can use this oil to keep your skin wrinkle-free. It also helps in reducing the problem of fine lines that make people appear older than their age.
  • Sandalwood oil
    Sandalwood is known for providing the best solution for skin-related problems like rashes, redness, irritations, acne, and other skin infections. Research studies have confirmed that this essential oil extracted from sandalwood can also be used as a chemopreventive agent, which means that it has medicinal properties to inhibit, delay, or reduce the risk of cancer.

Though essential oils help in toning, healing, and brightening skin, they can also cause several side effects like severe skin irritation, chemical burns due to phototoxicity, and allergies, especially if you have sensitive skin. So, it is always advisable to dilute the essential oils before applying them to your skin and hair. Do a patch test to check if your skin gets irritated after applying essential oils to it. If you notice signs of irritation, rinse the area with cold water at the earliest and consult a doctor.