Things to Know About Teeth Whitening Procedures

Things to Know About Teeth Whitening Procedures

Teeth whitening is the process that removes discoloration and stains and lightens your teeth. It is one of the most famous cosmetic dental processes as this procedure is fully capable of changing the way your teeth look. But whitening of the teeth is not a one-time process as you might need to repeat it for maintaining your white teeth.

1. What is the cause of tooth discoloration?
The white color of your teeth depends on the color of your enamel as light would scatter after falling on the enamel of the teeth. The smoothness and thickness of the enamel present inside your tooth would depend on your genes and daily lifestyle habits. A thin layer of pellicle forms on the surface of the enamel for removing stains from your teeth.

Other common causes for discoloration would be consuming food items such as coffee, tea, and red wine. People who don’t take good care of their dental health and consume tobacco regularly might also experience yellowing of their teeth. Aging might be another reason for tooth discoloration as enamel would get thinner and their dentin would become darker.

Another reason for tooth discoloration would be intrinsic stains, which means there are stains inside your teeth. This kind of tooth discoloration might happen after a young kid’s teeth would have suffered a trauma that made stain during their growing phase. But this kind of intrinsic stains can’t be removed by using teeth whitening procedure as it only works on extrinsic stains.

2. Different category of teeth whitening
There are mainly two categories of whitening procedure that are used for removing extrinsic stains. The vital procedure is done on those types of teeth that are connected to live nerves. The non-vital procedure is performed on those types of teeth that have undergone root canal treatment and have no live nerve attached to them.

3. Vital whitening procedure
This teeth whitening procedure is the most common and famous procedure for removing stains from teeth. The procedure generally uses gel, which is applied directly on the surface of the teeth for gaining white teeth. Cosmetic dentists also use dental products that would contain hydrogen peroxide for achieving the same result.

The teeth whitening procedure can be performed either at the individual’s home or at the dentist’s office. For effective results, most of the people prefer the in-office option as a dentist would use powerful whitening gel. The whole process might generally take ninety to thirty minutes along a few several appointments would give you would white teeth back.

4. Non-vital whitening procedure
Non-vital whitening procedure is another procedure that dentist would prescribe when the vital whitening process is not effective. The dentist would place a whitening solution inside your teeth for whitening your teeth from inside. The doctor leaves the whitening solution inside and seals your teeth with some temporary sealing for several days. This teeth whitening procedure has to be repeated until the desired shade is not reached.

Through this process, you will get white teeth that would not only make you look amazing but it would also help you in maintaining your oral health. Thus, if you are thinking of getting your teeth bleached, then study this for understanding the procedure.