Symptoms and Causes of Male Pattern Baldness

Symptoms and Causes of Male Pattern Baldness

Male pattern baldness is the medical terminology for hair loss that is experienced mostly by men in the later stage of their life. It typically refers to the excessive loss of hair from the scalp that leads to the complete baldness if left unchecked. There might be some men who would actively opt for the treatment for this medical condition, while others might hide them by using wigs, hats or scarves.

But before you go ahead with the treatment, you would have to understand its causes and possible symptoms. This will help you understand your experiences and will also help you opt for immediate treatment of the condition.

1. Causes for male pattern baldness

There are several reasons for excessive hair loss that would disrupt the cycle of hair shedding and hair growth. Here are some of the possible causes that might be the reason for excessive hair loss.

  • Change in hormone level

Changes in the hormone levels are the most common reason for the onset of male pattern baldness seen in men. The growth of an individual is directly related to the hormonal system. If any disruption happens in this system, it might lead to the loss of hair. Some medical conditions that affect your hormonal level could also result in excessive loss of hair.

  • Family genetics

Another common cause for excessive loss of hair would be related to the genetics of your family. Generally, the hair loss due to genetics might happen gradually with aging and one can predict a particular pattern.

  • Certain treatments procedure

Certain medical treatment procedures might be the reason for the excessive loss of hair from the scalp. Medical treatment such as radiation therapy for cancer treatment or hot oil hair treatment might cause damage to the hair follicles that might cause hair loss.

2. Symptoms for male pattern baldness

Hair loss might appear in several ways on your body that would depend on the prime reason causing the issue. Here are some of the possible symptoms of male pattern baldness that anybody could experience during his lifetime.

  • Thinning of hair

Thinning of hair is the most common symptoms of hair loss that men would experience during their middle ages. The hairline on the men’s forehead would begin to recede and gradually would take the shape of an M.

  • Hair loosening

Sometimes emotional or physical conditions may lead to stress which could be the reason for the excessive loss of hair in men. You might notice that you are losing a lot of hair while washing or combing your hair if you have this condition. Stress might lead to overall thinning of hair that could become the reason for full baldness.

  • Circular bald spots

It is another symptom that men would experience while they are suffering from excessive loss of hair. This condition not only occurs in the scalp but would also occur in eyebrows and beard. It might cause itching on your scalp and it may become painful before the hair falls.

Therefore, if you experience similar symptoms, then you must consult a specialist at the earliest.