Foods to Include in a Hepatitis Diet

Foods to Include in a Hepatitis Diet

Hepatitis is an infection caused by a virus that causes inflammation of the liver as well as fibrosis. It is estimated that millions of people all over the world suffer from hepatitis in one form or the other, and the numbers are expected to grow exponentially over the next few years. What makes hepatitis C dangerous is the fact that its effect on the body is immediate as it directly impacts the nourishment that the body receives from eating food. Besides, hepatitis C can also lead to several other health issues and complications.

For people who consume a lot of alcohol, cirrhosis of the liver is a probable complication. If left untreated, hepatitis C could end up damaging the liver permanently. Given this, it is vital for patients to follow a strict diet regimen to ensure that they consume the right foods to manage hepatitis C and prevent the condition from worsening.

While there is no specific diet plan attributed to hepatitis C, a healthy diet can enable one to manage the condition and prevent damage to the liver.

Here are some things to be included in the diet for effective management of the disease:

1. Fruits and vegetables
It is important to consume fresh fruits and vegetables regularly; for starters, organic fruits and vegetables are preferable. These are often full of the required vitamins and minerals for the body, and they can help a person feel rejuvenated. One can also opt for canned or tinned fruits and vegetables, but it is preferable that they opt for organic, freshly grown ones as they are healthier. One needs to consume at least 5 portions of fruits and vegetables, with a lot of greens in the lot. Also, a salad is a must with each meal of the day. For example, kale, spinach, and cabbage can help reduce the fat content in the liver, which should help mitigate the condition.

2. Proteins
Proteins are essential for the body, and it is vital that one meets their body’s daily protein requirements. Some excellent dietary sources of protein are turkey, tofu, eggs, fish, cheese, nuts, seeds, and such. These foods are great for hepatitis C patients, and they also provide them with calcium as well as vitamin D, both of which are essential for the body.

3. Complex carbohydrates
One may also want to consume complex carbohydrates since they are packed with vitamin B, essential dietary fiber as well as zinc and other minerals. Complex carbohydrates can be taken in the form of oats, brown rice, whole rye, whole wheat, and such.

These are some of the hepatitis C foods that a patient needs to consume regularly to avoid further damage to their liver. Apart from this, they need to avoid oily food items as well as all forms of alcohol to ensure that they give their liver an ample amount of time to recover.