Everything to Know About Buying Accessories for Pickup Trucks

Everything to Know About Buying Accessories for Pickup Trucks

It is a universally known truth that if you are a truck owner, you may need accessories to customize your rig. One cannot deny that accessories for pickup trucks are much sought after. But with so many options available, how do you identify what’s best for you. Here’s what you need to remember before purchasing accessories for pickup trucks.

1. Some mods might cancel your warranty
If you’re looking to amp up your truck with accessories, especially lift kits, electronic equipment, or custom tires, you may end up nullifying your warranty. As these modifications leave your vehicle vulnerable to defects and non-conformity, the manufacturers might claim that any problems in your rig are a result of these accessories. Even if there is a manufacturing defect in your vehicle, there is a high chance the company would deny it and blame it on your modifications. You are also legally debarred from pursuing an action against the manufacturers, in such a case.

2. The risk with fancy tires or rims
It is not unusual for a new truck owner to add wider rims or larger tires. These modifications, however, come with their own set of problems. Decorative rims may ruin the vehicle’s alignment and suspension, especially if they are of lower quality. The tires may wear out prematurely if the rims are not of the right size.

Customizing your truck with lift kits that increase the height of your ride can be dangerous. These kits might interfere with your vehicle’s suspension. Some lift kits electronically control your rig’s height — this may lead to conflict in the vehicle’s software and electrical system.

3. Quality dealership and well-trained technicians are important
Some new accessories for pickup trucks, especially electronic modifications like bluetooth, LED lights, sound system, etc. require skilled technicians to install them. These modifications often require tying with the main power source — a process known as splicing. There are chances that this complex task could be botched up by third-party electricians who are often outsourced by dealerships.

Low-quality electrical work may not only lead to a canceled warranty, but it could be potentially dangerous to you and your ride. Make sure to visit a reputed dealership and always buy manufacturer-approved accessories, as opposed to aftermarket ones.

4. Huge exhaust pipes
A chrome exhaust pipe with a four- or five-inch diameter rarely looks cool. On the contrary, it sticks out like a sore thumb. With no other use expect to gain brownie points for looks, larger-than-life exhaust pipes are one accessory you can do without. If you own a gas-fueled pickup with cut-off mufflers, these exhaust pipes lead to a whole lot of unpleasant noise.

5. Tailgate nets

Contrary to popular perception, tailgate nets do not increase performance and fuel economy. In truth, they might actually decrease performance and mileage due to the increase in turbulence and drag. Tailgate nets are designed to replace the solid door for the bed area of the pickup truck and serve no known purpose. Therefore, as far as accessories for pickup trucks are concerned, this one is a no go.