Effective Natural Treatments for Hair Growth

Effective Natural Treatments for Hair Growth

Hair is the most important part of a woman’s beauty. Women get sleepless nights if they get to see hair strands on their combs, towels, and pillows. Trichologists or hair experts say that loss of hair can be distressing as it affects the confidence of people. However, all these can be managed if the person uses accurate remedies and treatments.

The market is filled with several products which promise to curb hair loss and enhance hair growth. However, these are not so trustworthy and since they consist of chemicals they may also cause several side-effects. So, you should go for chemical-free natural treatments which are harmless and effective as well.

Some of the most popular and effective natural ingredients that help enhance hair growth and lower hair loss are as follows:

1. Onion Juice
Onions are a staple of every humble kitchen so it is not difficult to get natural onion juice. This particular vegetable is filled with nutrients that are necessary for proper hair-growth and lessening other hair problems. When you apply the onion juice properly on the hair and the scalp it reaches into the hair follicles. The nutrients present in the juice then start nourishing the hair by improving the shine, strength and volume. There are also additional nutrients such as sulfur which helps in reduction of the hair breakage and thinning. In this way, the onion juice is highly effective as a treatment for hair loss problems.

2. Aloe vera
Aloe vera is another natural remedy which you can use for your hair problems and hair growth. The thick aloe leaves consists of gel-like substance which have essential nutrients good for the hair. Aloe vera gel is not only good for the hair but also the skin as it has several healing properties. For proper treatment, one needs to apply the gel-like substance into the hair and scalp. The essential nutrients that exist in the aloe penetrate your hair follicles and strengthen it. Moreover, this also helps in the reduction of hair breakage and thus reduces the loss of hair. This is also good for people who have dry and frizzy hair because this works as a good conditioner.

3. Rosemary oil
It is one of the most essential oils which helps in hair growth and reduction of hair loss. It is one of the main ingredients which are used to treat androgenetic alopecia or common balding. This highly effective oil can also be found in many medicines which are used for hair regrowth. The rosemary oil improves hair quality and promotes hair growth by improving blood circulation in the scalp. Proper blood circulation is important because the hair follicles need a good amount of blood to maintain its strength.

Natural home remedies are always good for the hair as it does not have any negative effect. These ingredients do not only work on the hair but also helps to improve the skin’s health. However, along with using the above-mentioned home remedies, you should also maintain a well-balanced diet.