Effective Home Remedies to Treat Acne in Adults

Effective Home Remedies to Treat Acne in Adults

With the growing population and changes in the lifestyle of the people, a lot of health-related problems are on the rise. Among them, acne is one such problem that affects almost every single person due to unhealthy lifestyle issues. Acne in adults has become one of the major issues these days as adults are more prone to lifestyle changes as well as work stress.

Treatment of acne has become quite expensive and most often does not give satisfactory results and leaves unwanted side effects such as redness, irritation, and dryness. This has forced people to switch over to natural home remedies which are not only effective but also inexpensive.

1. Use apple cider vinegar
Acne in adults is mostly caused due to the accumulation of excess oil on the surface of the hair follicles which clogs the pores. Applying apple cider vinegar can help in reducing the problem of acne. Just like any other kinds of vinegar, apple cider vinegar can fight with bacteria that causes pimples. If you use diluted apple cider vinegar on your skin daily it can help in reducing excess oil secretion which is the main cause of acne.

2. Consume zinc supplement
Regular consumption of zinc supplements helps in the proper growth of cells, maintains hormonal balance, improves metabolism as well as immunity of your body. Additionally, zinc is one of the best and natural solutions for treating acne in adults. Consuming oral zinc supplements can help in lowering the problem of acne and breakouts. It is recommended to consume 40 mg of zinc per day if you want to get rid of acne. Many health reports have shown that people having lower zinc levels in the body are more prone to breakouts and acne.

3. Rely more on DIY masks
Nothing can be better than applying DIY homemade face masks for treating the problem of acne. There are plenty of DIY masks for treating acne, but a honey and cinnamon face mask is the best. Honey and cinnamon, both are excellent sources of antioxidants. Antioxidants are a great option if you want to treat your skin and give it a healthy glow. Applying antioxidants directly on the acne can be effective and can gradually reduce the visible acne on your face or body. Both honey and cinnamon have the power to fight bacteria. Due to the presence of anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, honey and cinnamon can help in reducing acne to a certain extent.

4. Incorporate tea tree oil in your beauty regime
The benefits of essential oils for our skin are known to everybody and tea tree oil is one of those effective essential oils which has become extremely popular due to its anti-inflammatory as well as anti-bacterial properties. Including tea tree oil in your beauty regime will significantly reduce the problem of acne to a great extent. Due to extreme potency, it is best to dilute tea tree oil with any moisturizer or face wash before applying it to the skin.

The problem of acne is quite common due to innumerable causes but with effective natural remedies you can reduce it to a great extent. These home remedies for acne are easy on the pocket as well.