Financing vs. Leasing a Vehicle: 5 Mistakes to Avoid at all Costs
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Financing vs. Leasing a Vehicle: 5 Mistakes to Avoid at all Costs

Buying a car can be an expensive affair, but in terms of financing versus leasing a vehicle, there are quite a few aspects to cover. While both financing and leasing a vehicle are good options, there are few things you need to be careful about. Herein, we will discuss five mistakes you need to avoid when it comes to financing vs leasing a vehicle. 1. 5 mistakes to avoid when opting for vehicle finance The following mistakes can cost you greatly when it comes to financing a vehicle. Not calculating your budget Ask yourself if you can really afford it. Determine your stable monthly cash flow. Figure out how much can you commit every month to pay your installments. Not determining credit score in advance The lower your credit score the higher interest rate you’ll be asked to pay. But you can avoid this if you check your credit score way in advance and attempt to correct it before you actually apply. Not checking other financing options To ensure that you get yourself the best deal, check several other financing options. Different banks may offer you different interest rates. Get a few quotes before you walk into the dealership. The dealer will most likely try to match the lowest rate you find.
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Windshields: How to DIY Repair
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Windshields: How to DIY Repair

When your windshield has chips or minor cracks, repairing it can solve this problem. There are many Do-It-Yourself (DIY) kits in the market that you can use. When your car windshield has severe cracks, you may have to replace it, otherwise, you can just repair it, as it is much more cost-effective. The process of repairing a windshield is not so easy, but there are many DIY kits available in the market that you can use. The first thing you need to do is get the necessary equipment. You can get a DIY windshield repair kit comprising a bridge-type applicator that has suction cups. You also need a resin that comes with the kit and a UV lamp in case it doesn’t dry quick enough. 1. Keep things ready Ensure you have everything ready and park the car in a shaded area as you don’t need sunlight until the work is done. Ensure that the windshield is dry and there is no moisture on it. Keep your kit ready with a razor blade and cleaning materials. 2. Prepare the Area The area with the chip or crack needs to be prepared. Scrape the area with a razor blade to remove glass particles and any dirt or dust.
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6 High-Tech Safety Gifts for Auto Enthusiasts
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6 High-Tech Safety Gifts for Auto Enthusiasts

The perfect weather for a road trip may still be weeks away, but you can always get behind the wheels of your car and enjoy an exhilarating experience. However, you need to make sure that your car has all the necessary practical devices which can help you in times of an emergency. These essential devices are now quite high-tech and advanced, providing both safety and entertainment value. From self-powered jump starters to coffeemakers for the car, you can browse through some of these exciting car gadgets which make for excellent high-tech gifts for auto enthusiasts. Today, you will be overwhelmed by the variety of high-tech gifts for auto enthusiasts that are available in the market. On the one hand, you will find devices that are designed to keep car interiors shiny, scratch-free and spotless, and on the other, you will find devices that can actually save your life in an accident. 1. HUDWAY Cast One of the most popular high-tech gifts for auto enthusiasts would have to be the HUDWAY Cast, which can convert smartphones into a heads-up display for the car. The GPS is projected on a transparent screen right in front of your eyes. It is compatible with both iOS and Android platforms and may be used for receiving phone calls and messages, and controlling audio playlists.
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10 Reasons to Buy Luxury Automobiles
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10 Reasons to Buy Luxury Automobiles

From offering high-end performance to being a symbol of social status, there are a myriad of reasons why there is still such a large number of consumers interested in buying luxury automobiles. What is it that draws buyers to luxury cars? The truth is that these vehicles have always proven their worth when it comes to guaranteeing the highest levels of security and comfort. 1. Safety features Luxury automobiles appear to be more focused on offering safety features as compared to mainstream cars. They usually have the latest state-of-the-art safety mechanisms, whether it is the ABS, built-in airbags, or blind-spot warning systems. Features such as powered lift gates, heated seat and seat massagers, illuminated vents are obviously going to catch your attention. 2. Resale values Contrary to what people may think, some brands of luxury cars have excellent resale value. For instance, in 2016, the Porsche Panamera earned the best resale value amongst many high-end luxury automobiles because of its spacious seat design and luxurious features. 3. Social status You cannot ignore the fact that you will make heads turn when you are behind the wheels of an Audi 8 or an Aston Martin DB9. Not only will you grab the limelight wherever you go but you will also get valet services.
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5 Motorcycle Safety Myths Debunked
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5 Motorcycle Safety Myths Debunked

Ask any motorcycle enthusiast and they will tell you the number of myths surrounding the vehicle. They are often considered dangerous to ride, while the contrary is true. Myths and false information about motorcycle safety are also rampant in the biker communities. Many a time, you will see bikers swapping stories and advice that couldn’t be further from the truth. In the interest of keeping you and your motorcycle safe on the roads, we now debunk five such myths. 1. Helmets restrict vision Most motorcyclists think that a full-face helmet restricts their vision and opt for an open face helmet instead, which might compromise their safety by doing so. According to the safety regulations set by the Department of Transportation, full-face helmets should allow a field of view of at least 210 degrees to ensure your peripheral view is not affected. Also, full-face helmets with visors keep out dirt and debris from your eyes. They keep the wind from hitting your face, allowing you to see better. Furthermore, the helmets cut down on the wind-related noise, allowing you to focus better. Thus, it is best that you put on a helmet when you get on your motorbike. Remember they save lives!
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Things to Know about Safety Features in Cars
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Things to Know about Safety Features in Cars

While most individuals choose a car based on looks, mileage, and price, they tend to forget something more important—safety. It is of utmost significance to review the safety features in cars before making your purchase. A car fully-equipped with safety features will reduce the chances of you, or the passengers, getting hurt in an accident or the accident occurring in the first place. So, before you head out to your nearest dealership and purchase your ride, it is important to remember some of these pointers: 1. What are the advanced safety features in cars? Safety features in cars are not limited to seat belts and airbags. Advanced features such as automatic braking, lane assist technology, blindspot monitoring are now common in most cars. These safety features in cars use sensor technology to warn drivers about potential collisions. They even help prevent them by stopping the car or correcting the steering. A study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) claims that cases of front-to-rear crashes were around 50 percent more in cars without any sort of safety technology than in cars with automatic braking or collision warning systems. 2. What to look for while shopping for a car? An average driver might not be aware of the different safety features in cars or if their preferred model has them.
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Everything to Know About a 401(k) Loan
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Everything to Know About a 401(k) Loan

When you are funding your employer-sponsored scheme of 401(k), the amount you are putting in the fund would grow into a huge amount of money. It is also the easiest source of emergency money in dire situations when you have exhausted every other financial resource. Applying for a 401(k) loan offers low-rate interest money. You would have to understand its advantages and disadvantages and know the proper way to handle the repaying of this loan. Only by understanding how the loan scheme works will you be able to decide whether to apply for it or not. 1. Maximum loan limit Generally, any loan scheme under the 401(k) plan would only allow 50-60% of your total retirement fund. The upper limit of the amount of money that can be taken under this scheme is about $50,000. The upper limit of the loan would exceed the pre-defined limit if the amount of money exceeds by the calculation of 50%. You would be allowed to apply for loan several times from your 401(k) retirement funds. If you are married, then you would need a written approval from your spouse while you are applying for a 401(k) loan that exceeds $5,000. 2. Maximum loan term When you would apply for a loan under the 401(k) loan scheme, all calculations are done based on the standard of a five-year plan.
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Steps to Improve a Bad Credit Score
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Steps to Improve a Bad Credit Score

Credit scores are three-digit numbers used by lenders to judge your credit history. A bad score hampers your chances of getting loans and advances, while a good score helps you get credit. Building a good credit score is a long and tedious process. It takes time and effort on your part to properly follow the procedures to maintain a healthy rating. Some steps can be followed to maintain a good credit score, but the most important thing is to make your payments on time. So, let’s take a look at some of the tips that will help you to build a good credit report and avoid a bad score: 1. Maintain the accuracy of your reports It is very important to check your credit reports that you can get from Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax. Credit reports might also have mistakes, so it is essential to study them minutely. You need to give authentic data so that the reports based on them are free of any errors. You will be getting a free copy once a year, which can be accessed from the government-run website. Also, you need to check whether your personal information has been correctly entered, all accounts being have been reported, and whether the past items are reflected in the reports.
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Understanding the Features of a Reverse Mortgage
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Understanding the Features of a Reverse Mortgage

A reverse mortgage is a loan that is designed for homeowners who are 62 years and above. This mortgage allows converting a part of the debtor’s equity into cash. This type of loan is named so as the lender makes payments to the borrower opposed to a traditional mortgage, where the borrower needs to make a monthly payment to lenders. The borrower in this type of mortgage is not required to make any monthly payments against the loan as long as they live in the home. However, the debtor must regularly pay the property taxes and homeowners insurance along with any applicable dues for homeowner’s association. 1. Retain proprietorship In a reverse mortgage, the debtors are allowed to retain the proprietorship rights of their home. The creditors at no point gain this right even when the last surviving member vacates the property permanently. 2. Qualifying for funds The amount of funds that the debtors are qualified for depends on various factors such as rate of interest, the age of the debtor or the age of the youngest spouse in case of couples, upfront costs, and the value of the home. The older the debtor is, the higher the proceeds they are likely to receive for this type of mortgage.
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Types of Plans for Saving for College
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Types of Plans for Saving for College

There are numerous educational saving plans that you can opt for to start saving for your kids’ college. Education expenses in colleges are increasing, and it is necessary to choose the best savings plan for your child’s future. Recently, qualified tuition programs have been widely used by a growing number of families to finance their child’s future. College savings plans are offered by all the federal states, and they are similar to prepaid tuition options. Here, we will be looking at the various types of educational plans that are available and how they can help in saving for your child’s college. College savings plans allow parents to fund their child’s tuition by contributing a specified account. You can fund your child’s higher education expenses like fees, books, supplies, room, and boarding through this savings plan. Some major college savings plans and their investment options that will be beneficial for your child’s education are discussed here: 1. 529 college savings plan The 529 plan is a state-sponsored plan that is a great and tax-free way of saving for your child’s college education. 529 plans vary from state to state and differ widely on costs, features of their programs, and the investing options.
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