Beauty & Natural Remedies
7 Effective Natural Remedies for GERD and IBD
Many people worldwide suffer from acid reflux and irritable bowel disease (IBD). These conditions have a lot to do with the food we eat, sleep hours, and stress levels. With the type of lifestyles people lead today, it is natural for them to suffer from bloating, heartburn, and stomach upset. Long working hours, a sedentary lifestyle, and eating junk food has caused a lot of damage to the body, and acid reflux is one of the issues. While you can always pop an antacid to get temporary relief from IBD and GERD, chronic symptoms may require prescription medications and treatments prescribed by a doctor. In the long term, managing GERD and IBD symptoms also require lifestyle changes, including dietary, exercise, and avoidance of certain foods that trigger symptoms. Regular recurrence of IBD and called GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) and can cause inflammation and strictures in the intestines and esophagus and, in some cases, even lead to cancer. So, it is best to cure it using home remedies. Some of the natural treatments for IBD and acid reflux include: 1. Baking soda A teaspoon of baking soda can neutralize stomach acid, so even if it comes up, you will not suffer from a burning sensation.
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