7 Effective Natural Remedies for GERD and IBD
Beauty & Natural Remedies

7 Effective Natural Remedies for GERD and IBD

Many people worldwide suffer from acid reflux and irritable bowel disease (IBD). These conditions have a lot to do with the food we eat, sleep hours, and stress levels. With the type of lifestyles people lead today, it is natural for them to suffer from bloating, heartburn, and stomach upset. Long working hours, a sedentary lifestyle, and eating junk food has caused a lot of damage to the body, and acid reflux is one of the issues. While you can always pop an antacid to get temporary relief from IBD and GERD, chronic symptoms may require prescription medications and treatments prescribed by a doctor. In the long term, managing GERD and IBD symptoms also require lifestyle changes, including dietary, exercise, and avoidance of certain foods that trigger symptoms. Regular recurrence of IBD and called GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) and can cause inflammation and strictures in the intestines and esophagus and, in some cases, even lead to cancer. So, it is best to cure it using home remedies. Some of the natural treatments for IBD and acid reflux include: 1. Baking soda A teaspoon of baking soda can neutralize stomach acid, so even if it comes up, you will not suffer from a burning sensation.
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Natural Ways to Relieve Gout Pain and Swelling
Beauty & Natural Remedies

Natural Ways to Relieve Gout Pain and Swelling

Gout, also known as gouty arthritis is inflammation in the joints accompanied by extreme pain and discomfort. Gouts mainly affect limb joints, specifically causing pain and swelling in the big toe. The affected joints usually turn red and get inflamed. These are known to commonly affect people in their older age; however, recent cases of young adults being affected have also been reported. It also causes other forms of metabolic diseases coupled with cardiovascular ailments, and thus, can be dangerous. 1. Causes of gout Gouts are mainly caused due to deposition of uric acid crystals in various joints which causes pain and inflammation in them. Uric acid is one of the excretory products in our body which is filtered and eliminated by the kidneys. Uric acid is produced in our body as a by-product of purine breakdown and digestion. This mainly results from protein-rich diet, which includes high consumption of eggs, meat, and seafood. When the body experiences a condition called hyperuricemia which is characterized by high uric acid levels in the blood, the kidneys often fail to eliminate the excess uric acid, which leads to its accumulation in the joints causing gout. To get relief from pain and swelling, many people prefer to opt for natural treatments for gout along with medication.
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Smart Tips for Complete Skin Care
Beauty & Natural Remedies

Smart Tips for Complete Skin Care

A good skincare routine is about not only washing and moisturizing but also consuming skincare superfoods to boost health. Whatever we eat directly affects the skin. Experts suggest that having a diet rich in healthy fats, vitamin C, antioxidants, amino acids, and collagen can alter an otherwise dull and tired skin into a fresh and glowing one. 1. Skincare superfoods to add to your diet Fill up your pantry with these skincare superfoods. Avocado Avocados are excellent skincare superfoods. With loads of good poly and monounsaturated fatty acids such as omega 9, they keep your skin looking fresh and radiant. They also boost healthy cell regeneration, reduce puffiness, and eliminate wrinkles. Avocados contain abundant antioxidants called carotenoids that fight free radical damage and maintain skin elasticity and water content. Turmeric Turmeric is an excellent skincare superfood. It has incredible anti-inflammatory properties that reduce skin aging and wrinkles. Curcumin, an antioxidant present in turmeric inhibits skin bacteria. Eating or drinking fresh turmeric juice also helps prevent inflammation and keeps skin looking younger. Blueberries Berries are the richest source of antioxidants. Eating blueberries is an easy way of getting plenty of skin-friendly antioxidants which fight free radical damage. Free radicals are the worst enemies of the skin that damage collagen and skin cells to cause dry skin and wrinkles.
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How to Avoid the Side Effects of Botox
Beauty & Natural Remedies

How to Avoid the Side Effects of Botox

Botox has gained popularity over the years as one of the most sought-after treatments in the cosmetic industry. The cosmetic treatment has been available in the United States by prescription ever since it was approved by the FDA in 2002. But, what’s noteworthy is that it is the same Botox injection that got the FDA approval in 1989 for being an effective treatment for several medical conditions such as migraines, muscle spasms, and incontinence. However, with so much popularity comes a few misconceptions. Herein, we throw some light on the misconceptions and real side effects of Botox, and how to avoid them. 1. Does the treatment hurt? It is a common misconception that Botox treatment is painful. Although Botox is administered with the help of a needle, the needle used in the treatment are really small and, thus, the pain is very minimal. In fact, sometimes to avoid the pain, the area chosen for the treatment is numbed before administering the injection with the help of an anesthetic cream or by simply applying a cold pack for 10-20 minutes. A little discomfort after the effect of the anesthetic cream has worn off is common. 2. Side effects of Botox There are some side effects that are commonly associated with Botox treatment, including:
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7 Natural Anti-Acne Ingredients for All Skin Types
Beauty & Natural Remedies

7 Natural Anti-Acne Ingredients for All Skin Types

Acne with zits and pimples can come up at any age. The reason could be anything ranging from your diet to stress or the environment. Acne in itself is very frustrating and when you have to think of the treatments, it becomes more stressful. It is pertinent to note that acne will not vanish in a jiffy as the marketing gurus want you to believe. The best natural anti-acne treatment should include a well-rounded regimen to be effective. Despite your every attempt to keep acne away, it still surfaces every once in a while. Here are some simple and easy anti-acne treatments that can be done at home. 1. Apple cider vinegar Apple cider or unfiltered apple juice is fermented to obtain apple cider vinegar. The organic acids present in the vinegar are effective against oils, germs, bacteria, and P. acne. The lactic acid and succinic acid help fight inflammation and prevent scars. Three parts of water mixed with one part of vinegar is a good anti-acne natural treatment. Apple cider vinegar also absorbs the excess oil produced. 2. Tea tree oil This essential oil is obtained from a tree native to Australia. The oil, known for its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and anti-bacterial properties, is a wonderful anti-acne treatment option.
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Exercise Tips to Deal with Migraines
Beauty & Natural Remedies

Exercise Tips to Deal with Migraines

Migraines and exercise have a complex association. Exercise can trigger a migraine, but consistent exercise can act as a migraine headache natural treatment by minimizing the intensity and its frequency of occurrence. However, it is essential to exercise safely to treat or deal with migraines. Exercising while you’re having a migraine headache is prohibited by doctors as it may worsen the condition. Stress is the primary trigger of migraine. Exercise can assist in controlling the migraine attacks by stress relief and be a migraine headache natural treatment for many. Exercise releases enkephalins and endorphins. As migraine headache natural treatments, these are natural, feel-good hormones, natural antidepressants, and natural pain killers. Below are some exercise tips that act as a migraine headache natural treatment: 1. Choose an activity you enjoy Be it brisk walking, swimming, jogging, cycling or anything that you associate with or like; stick to it consistently as an everyday activity. Begin with low-level impact exercise that does not overexert your body a lot. 2. Build up your stamina slowly and gradually Once you feel comfortable and at ease with your everyday routine, slowly increase the intensity of the exercise. Certain exercises such as hopping, jumping jacks, box jumps, and running stairs can build the muscles, joints, bones as well as ligaments.
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Natural Solutions to Combat Dandruff
Beauty & Natural Remedies

Natural Solutions to Combat Dandruff

Dandruff is a skin condition that can cause itchiness and dry, flaky skin on your scalp. Sometimes this skin can flake off and be visible in your hair or on your clothes. This can be especially irritating during winter, when the condition can be made worse by the cold, dry air. Scientists still aren’t sure what causes dandruff, and there isn’t a cure. However, there are several natural remedies that can be used to treat it: 1. Tea tree oil Tea tree oil is an essential oil produced from the tea tree, Melaleuca alternifolia, which is native to Australia. Tea tree oil is known for its antifungal properties and invigoratingly unique scent, so if you’re looking to get rid of dandruff naturally, here’s the tip for you. You can manage dandruff with tea tree oil by massaging a few drops of it onto your scalp before you wash your hair. Tea tree oil has such a fresh fragrance that you’ll look forward to washing your hair! 2. Coconut oil Known for its luxurious texture and unparalleled perfume, coconut oil is a great treatment for dandruff because it is so moisturizing. The saturated fats in coconut oil are almost identical to sebum, the type of oil your skin produces to moisturize itself.
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