Car Accessories for Family-Friendly Rides

Car Accessories for Family-Friendly Rides

Being the proud car owner that you are, you know you’d do anything to keep your ride looking spick and span. Sure, you frequently head to the car wash, get your seats professionally cleaned, and treat your car to a good wax from time to time. But what do you do when you need to make space for your children? Or when you need to take your pet places? When a family enters the picture, you need to equip your car for some new challenges. Look at these car accessories. They make every journey out a family-friendly one.

1. Auxiliary wire or mounting device
Long car rides to the mall, a holiday, or just to school can make your kids restless. You’ll deal with some whining, or the occasional “are we there yet?” What’ll help is some sing-along songs, a nursery rhyme playlist, or whatever music your kids are into! All you need is an auxiliary wire to connect to your phone or a mounting structure. Most cars today are made with similar adjustments for music but the exact color and type you want will be easily available at the stores. With some tunes, your little ones stay happy in the back seat.

2. Folding tray
You’re on your way with the kids, and suddenly, one of them gets hungry. You packed some sandwiches for the road but now you’re wondering if they’re going to leave crumbs and stains. Either way, you can’t keep an eye on them while you drive. So how about you get a folding tray? They are made to fit between your car seats and are perfect for neat and tidy eating. Car accessories like this are versatile. Your kids can use a folding tray as a table for a game of cards, and for other portable board games.

3. Pet covers
When you have doggy travelers at the back, they might shed all over your smooth and plush seats. Pet fur is an everyday nuisance at home, but it certainly doesn’t have to be one in your car! Get yourself some pet covers for your seats. Usually made from cotton or vinyl, these car accessories are super convenient. They fit perfectly around headrests and seats and are specially designed to catch all the fur that falls from your pet. You just need to unclip it once you’re out of the car, shake it clean, and you’re good! Pet covers can be custom-made too. And on a day out at the beach or park with your dog, they prove their worth. Dust, dirt, mud, and fur are no match for the best pet covers. It’s a must-have if you like taking your furry friends on rides.

4. Pet barriers
If you think your pet dog is going to sit tight on those seat covers until you get to where you’re going, you have another thing coming. Animals generally move around in the car or try to come and sit in your lap or knock things around. They create major distractions, and you can’t afford to be distracted while you drive. So, consider getting a pet barrier. In the form of gates, meshes, and tubes, pet barriers restrict too much movement in the backseat while keeping your pet safe.