6 Routine Gum Care Tips for Oral Health

6 Routine Gum Care Tips for Oral Health

An inflammation in the gums that slowly starts affecting the bones that surround the teeth is called gum disease. Good dental hygiene can be maintained by taking proper care of your gums along with your teeth. Compact and hard gums are a sign of healthy gums, whereas spongy, pale, or red gums are signs of unhealthy gums. If proper gum care is not ensured, it can cause the teeth to become loose and may even require extraction of the teeth by a dentist. You should not ignore proper care of gums as it plays a vital role in oral hygiene and health.

Gum disease can cause the following problems:

  • Bleeding of the gums while brushing or flossing
  • Red or swollen gums
  • Receding gums, making the teeth look longer
  • Bad breath
  • The risk of gingivitis
  • Toothache

You can also be affected by other ailments due to lack of oral hygiene, and maintaining oral hygiene directly helps in maintaining overall health.

1. Brush your teeth properly
A simple and convenient gum care tip is to brush your teeth properly at least twice a day. While brushing, a soft toothbrush should be used, along with a fluoride toothpaste. Hold the toothbrush at an angle of 45 degrees so that the surface of the gum and teeth are cleaned properly. You should also brush the roof and tongue of the mouth to remove bacteria that can cause bad breath. After brushing, rinse your mouth properly with water.

2. Floss
Another important gum care tip is to floss the teeth once daily. The plaque and food stuck between the teeth that cannot be removed by brushing can be gotten rid of by flossing. Flosses of different types are available, and you can consult a dentist and find a suitable floss.

3. Use mouthwash
You should use mouthwash along with brushing and flossing of teeth for proper gum care. Choose a mouthwash like Listerine® or one with chlorine dioxide as it helps kill germs and keeps the mouth clean. It also helps in maintaining good breath.

4. Go for regular dental check-ups
Visiting a dentist twice a year helps in determining your oral health. Regular gum care and tooth check-ups help in avoiding emergencies or future complications.

5. Include calcium and vitamins in your diet
Calcium is very important for your teeth and bones, so include milk and dairy products like yogurt and cheese in your diet. The intake of vitamin D is also essential for healthy gum care. The gums can be protected and loosening of the teeth can be prevented with the intake of vitamin C.

6. Rinse the mouth after every meal
Small bits stuck between the teeth can rot inside the mouth and cause bad breath and even tooth decay. It is best to rinse your mouth after each meal to avoid this.