5 Popular Plastic Surgery Trends of 2020

5 Popular Plastic Surgery Trends of 2020

Several plastic surgery trends are gaining popularity these days. In fact, there has been a 200% rise in the number of minimally invasive cosmetic surgeries since 2000. Regular research work is helping the cosmetic surgery world in staying up-to-date, and the FDA will be approving a minimum of three new cosmetic surgeries in 2020. As suggested by experts, here are some popular plastic surgery trends that have or will be climbing the trend charts of 2020.

1. Less invasive plastic surgeries are in trend
One of the most popular plastic surgery trends is the growing popularity of less invasive surgical procedures such as injections, lasers, and skin resurfacing. There are various reasons for the increasing popularity of less invasive surgeries. Some of them include lower cost, reduced recovery time, and, of course, the lesser invasiveness. These procedures are quick and start showing effects in no time. Surgeries that require injectables, such as Botox, have gained a massive amount of popularity. As per the annual survey by the American Academy of Facial and Reconstruction, four-fifths of all treatments done in 2018 performed by facial plastic surgeons were cosmetic and non-surgical procedures.

2. The results will be more natural
Enhancement of uneven breasts, swollen lips, and other symptoms of a cosmetic procedure will be decreasing in popularity soon. The latest trend in the plastic surgery world will be to make the signs of plastic surgery less evident. Nowadays, patients want to retain the natural structure of their face and don’t want their inherited facial features to be changed. In fact, most patients want to look like themselves at the end of the surgery but just with a small set of refined features.

3. Lesser downtime is important now
According to experts, people who wish to undergo cosmetic surgery want to go back to their daily routine as early as possible and don’t want to have a long downtime. Experts are also estimating a rise in the number of plastic surgeries in men in the coming time and the stigma associated with the cosmetic procedures will be reduced.

4. Niche cosmetic surgeries will become more popular
Very specific procedures catering to the customized needs of the patients will be the trend that will soon catch up. Patients are now looking for customized treatment options, just like the use of filler in other locations of the face besides the cheekbone. The unorthodox treatment options include tightening of the earlobes, which have caused loose skin from heavy earrings, or a noninvasive rhinoplasty is performed on the bridge of the nose.

5. Body contouring will gain more popularity
EMSculpt, which is a procedure that lets men and women build muscles and sculpt their bodies, has now set foot in the country. It is gaining popularity this year as it is noninvasive and helps in shaping body fat. It is done with the help of a handheld tool that uses magnetic fields to fasten the muscle contraction process in the body to cut the fat and build muscles.