5 Guilt-Free Snacks for High Cholesterol

5 Guilt-Free Snacks for High Cholesterol

High levels of cholesterol in the blood increase the risk of heart disease in the long run. Cholesterol buildup in the arteries reduces blood supply to the heart and can be life-threatening if not treated properly. This is why people with high cholesterol are advised to not consume oily food and follow a restricted diet. There are so many munching options to satisfy hunger cravings throughout the day, but for people with diabetes and cholesterol, it becomes a struggle to snack on many of the options available without worrying about health issues cropping up.

Here are some of the best snacks for high cholesterol that will not interfere with the diet and will also ensure that there is no compromising on taste:

1. Dissolve fats with oatmeal
While talking about cholesterol issues, it is hard to miss out on oatmeal. Oatmeal makes up for one of the best snacks for high cholesterol, solely because of its fiber content. The high fiber helps in dissolving unwanted fat deposition from various parts of the body. Besides, it boosts up bile secretion from the liver and improves digestion. Oats are readily available in the market, and you just need to cook it in boiling water and add some veggies and nuts for a healthy meal or snack anytime during the day!

2. Make any dish crunchier
Nuts are high in calories, but one ounce of nuts is recommended for people with high cholesterol levels. Almonds and walnuts are loaded with healthy monounsaturated fats, which replace the unhealthy fat deposition on the arteries or in the other regions of the body. This helps in lowering Low-Density Cholesterol (LDL) or bad cholesterol. You can add nuts to yogurt for a quick and tasty snack, sprinkle them on your oatmeal, or simply munch on them as they are one of the best snacks for high cholesterol.

3. Whole wheat bread
Whole wheat bread is a highly recommended snack for high cholesterol as it is rich in fiber and is ideal for lowering LDL cholesterol levels. Pick up a loaf from the market, slice it, and enjoy your snack it with zero-fat peanut butter or hummus spread to make it healthier.

4. Vegetable soup with beans
Vegetable soups are not only one of the best snacks for those with cholesterol issues, but they ensure overall health and are beneficial for everyone. They are high in protein, fiber, carbohydrates, and minerals. Add some beans to make it an ideal snack for high cholesterol as beans have high fiber and soluble fats, which lower LDL cholesterol levels.

5. Opt for pectin-rich fruits
Apples, grapes, berries, and other citrus varieties are rich in pectin, a compound that helps in cutting down blood cholesterol levels to a great extent. Munching on them not only keeps you full but also provides you with much-needed nutrients.

Along with this, always ensure that you read the ingredients and the calorie content before buying any packaged snacks for high cholesterol, and only opt for the ones with zero fats and without hydrogenated oils.