5 Common Early Symptoms of Hepatitis C

5 Common Early Symptoms of Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C virus is an infection that causes liver damage through inflammation. It spreads through blood contamination, and the Humana hep c treatment can either be daily oral medications or weekly injections. Most people with Hepatitis C virus (HCV) don’t know that they are infected due to the lack of symptoms.
Below are the five most common early symptoms of Hepatitis C. Understanding them allows you to know how you can best combat them:

1. Fatigue
HCV can be draining, and so is the hep c treatment. Fatigue is a part of the early symptoms that you can experience if you have HCV. However, there are different ways of dealing with HCV. These include:

  • Taking short naps to re-energize your body.
  • Drinking lots of water daily.
  • Sleeping and waking up at the same time daily.
  • Choose a moderate exercise like tai chi, yoga, or walking.

In case these solutions won’t help you, consider speaking to your doctor. They can suggest RX discount coupons and better solutions, which will aid in re-energizing your body and decreasing fatigue.

2. Sore muscles and joint pain
When you experience sore muscles and joint pain, this will be the body’s autoimmune response. You have to understand that the virus is beginning to affect your body’s different areas rather than the liver when you experience these pains. Removing the virus from the body through treatment can relieve the pain. However, some people still experience pain after treatment. Exercising will be the best way to combat these pains. Joint pain can increase if you add some weight before and during treatment since your liver struggles to process the fluids. Speaking to your doctor can assist in knowing the different nutrient-rich foods which you can consume. Lots of water, too, will negate the joint pains and sore muscles.

3. Itchy skin
Pruritus or itchy skin is a common symptom of Hepatitis C. Itching can either be mild or severe, thus interrupting sleep. The itching will be all over their body for some people, but it concentrates more on the stomach, face, and feet. Speaking to your doctor can assist in attaining RX discount savings with medication like Prevalite, which can aid with itching. It can take up to a week before you detect any changes from the medication. The best medication can stop the itching, however, you have to be consistent to prevent further occurrences.

4. Nausea
Nausea is one symptom that persists with patients before and during treatment. It can last throughout the treatment. If you’re feeling sick to the stomach and you have an urge to vomit, that’s nausea. However, nausea can also manifest itself as a loss of appetite, darkening of the urine, pale stool, or pain in the abdomen. Altering your everyday habits can be one way of treating nausea. For example, eliminate the triggers in the things that you drink and eat.

5. Stomach pain
Stomach pain is common in patients with Hepatitis C. However, the different symptoms that can lead to stomach pain will entail:

  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Bloating
  • Painful gas
  • Heartburn
  • Nausea

Stomach pain can manifest itself as a form of ulcers. It can grow from allergies, acid conditions, and bacteria. For example, when stressed, your body can create too much acid. Dietary changes and acid reducers will be the best ways of treating stomach pains.