4 Benefits of Gardening for Kids

4 Benefits of Gardening for Kids

Getting close to nature has always proven to be beneficial for kids. Additionally, indulging in outdoor activities can promote the overall development of kids. So, gardening, which clubs the benefits of both outdoor activities and harmony with nature, proves to be highly valuable for the physical and mental development of a child. Whether the garden is in your backyard, the balcony, or spread over plush acres of land, children who spend more time in them are more likely to get a lot more benefits.

Read on to know more about how gardening can benefit your child.

1. Gardening can make children eat healthier food
According to a study, school-going children who indulged in gardening programs were more likely to be inclined towards snacking on fruits and vegetables. In addition to these studies, many other pieces of research have found that gardening can play a vital role in preventing obesity and other health problems. When parents joined their kids in these activities, the results got even better. Studies have shown a positive relationship between gardening and cooking at home. A 40% increase in the consumption of home-cooked meals has also been reported in adults.

2. Gardening helps in developing the analytical abilities of children
One of the most important benefits of gardening in children is that it helps them develop reasoning, organization, and planning skills. Experts recommend that children should be allowed to do some research about gardening before getting started. They can read about the tools they need, the different stages of growth of plants, and get information about the types of plants they wish to grow. In case the child wants to dive right into gardening, teachers and parents can educate them by asking different questions like ‘Is there enough sunlight?’ ‘How will you plant the seeds?’ and so on.

3. Gardening can boost focus and memory in children
According to studies, when a child regularly indulges in gardening activities, it improves their social and cognitive skills and enhances their alertness. Gardening has proven to be therapeutic and proven to have a positive effect on reestablishing speech, cognitive, and motor abilities while recovering from an illness. An interesting study published in the American Journal of Public Health showed that children who spent time close to green spaces performed better at mental tasks. Additionally, spending time in green and outdoor spaces can also relieve the symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and boost their ability to focus.

4. Gardening has a positive effect on mood
Research has shown that various elements of gardening have positive effects on the emotions of people. For example, flowers can trigger positive emotions and can have both short- and long-term effects on mood and social behavior. In addition to this, gardening can also prove to be a therapeutic activity for children who suffer from anxiety or depression.