3 Ways Zinc Boosts the Immune System and Other Great Benefits

3 Ways Zinc Boosts the Immune System and Other Great Benefits

For such a little discussed mineral, zinc plays various essential roles in supporting the immune system, as well as the entire health of the body. According to the National Institutes of Health, zinc is vital for immune-function, DNA and protein synthesis (for growth and development), protecting the eyes from age-related vision loss, and wound healing.

Thankfully, it’s easy to find zinc in foods like primarily red meat and poultry. However, other great zinc sources include shellfish, nuts, whole grains, beans, and fortified breakfast cereals. Here are three ways zinc not only boosts the immune system, but also supports the entire body:

1. Wound healing
Believe it or not, when you suffer a surface wound, zinc blasts into action immediately, supporting every stage of the wound healing process. Zinc is a powerful immune defense, protecting the wound from invading germs and bacteria. Secondly, zine is utilized for membrane repair, including the coagulation of blood and also tissue re-epithelialization. Thirdly, zinc promotes wound healing by promoting inflammation as immune as it prompts scar formation. Many chronic health conditions benefit from zinc rich foods. For instance, patients with inflammatory skin conditions, such as eczema, rosacea, and skin ulcers benefit greatly from a zinc rich diet.

2. Boosts overall immunity
According to research from the National Institutes of Health, zinc is an essential mineral in supporting our overall immunity. It does this by supporting the immune system as it reduces inflammation in chronic conditions like arthritis while also banishing pathogens from the body as a mode of protection. For example, if your body comes down with a common cold, zinc works to activate the cells of the immune system in order to fight off the virus. In addition, studies show that patients with colds benefit from taking zinc acetate lozenges or zinc supplements containing 13.3 milligrams of zinc, 3 times daily. In fact, those patients recover from their illness significantly faster than patients who don’t take zinc lozenges.

3. Other health benefits of zinc
U.S. health professionals recommend 8 milligrams of zinc daily for women, and 11 milligrams per day for adult men. If you don’t’ get adequate zinc through food consumption, taking zinc supplements may be the key to promoting these other great bodily benefits:

  • Supports sexual health in men (prevents impotence)
  • Protects vision (i.e., particularly age-related macular degeneration or AMD)
  • Supports healthy appetite for energy, growth, and developing in growing children
  • Fresh hair and nail reproduction
  • Prevents diarrhea and promotes healthy bowel movements
  • Promotes healthy appetite by improving the taste and smell of food, particularly when we’re sick
  • Boosts mental alertness
  • Supports women’s health during pregnancy