3 Easy Hair Straightening Methods for Men

3 Easy Hair Straightening Methods for Men

Hair straightening is a common hairstyling method which is used by top male models and celebrities. Especially men with curly hair or wavy hair tend to use different straightening methods for their hair.

There are various methods for hair straightening, some are temporary and some stay for a longer time. The hair can be temporarily styled using a comb and a blow dryer, hair straighteners. Here are a few different methods of hair straightening for men:

1. The blowout technique for straightening hair
You can easily straighten your hair without involving a straightener just by using comb, cleansers, conditioner, and a hairdryer.

In this method, first one has to cleanse their hair properly; hence one needs to wash their hair thoroughly. After that, the hair requires a bit of conditioning as it helps in softening the hair which is essential to straighten the hair. Apply oils such as argan or coconut oil to moisturize your hair, ensure that you apply it thoroughly.

Use the comb to straighten your hair in sections. While doing so use the blow dryer on medium heat. When your hair dries, it will become straight. Don’t forget to use smoothing serums to reduce dryness.

2. Using a straightening device
Your hair must be detangled when you use hair straighteners. Therefore you should use detangling shampoo. Once it is done you can move to the conditioning part. This step is crucial as it helps to keep your hair healthy. Dry your hair properly prior to using the straightener. otherwise it can cause severe damage.

Once your hair has completely dried, use a protection serum otherwise the hair strands will get damaged. Make sure that all your hair strands are properly coated with the serum otherwise they will get damaged. Use the iron on small sections to start with, if required use a comb to set it properly.

3. Chemical treatment to straighten the hair
Don’t use shampoo on the hair for about 2-3 days before the chemical straightening as a relaxer would be applied. Relaxers are considered to be powerful chemical products. Make sure you read the manual for ingredients and directions. This will help you gauge its credibility. If you are afraid to use it yourself, you should go to an experienced hairstylist. If you go to a hair stylist for the chemical method then make sure they use quality products.

While applying the chemical treatment yourself, use gloves to mix the relaxer chemicals properly and keep mixing it until it turns into a white paste. Use an application brush to apply the concoction on different sections of your hair using a quality comb. Let the relaxer stay in the hair according to the time mentioned in the pack. Use a clarifying shampoo and conditioner to rinse and then comb it to make your hair straightened.

So, if you want to get straightened hair you can use the above mentioned techniques. However, ensure the ingredients or the devices you use should be of good quality otherwise it may have adverse effects.